A MAN gets a weird self-righteous buzz from talking about how screwed everything is.
29-year-old Scott, not his real name, gets a kick out of describing the ‘dark times’ we live in because of all the horrible things including Trump dismantling the US, the rise of fascism across Europe and the spiralling economy.
He said: “It’s really, really, really bad. Everywhere I go people are just crying in the streets because of how bad things are.
“I bought a ginger cake the other day and it was out of date, because corporations have taken over and they don’t care about people having stale cakes.
“Probably we’ll all just die soon.”
Scott’s housemate Hannah, not her real name, said: “I tried telling him about how in Britain we used to have little kids working down mines and put people in prison for being gay, so maybe it’s not all a downward spiral because that wasn’t even very long ago.
“He just looks at me like I’m the stupidest idiot on earth and returns to reading a book by some Russian philosopher called Everything’s Fucked.”
Scott said: “Maybe a leader will rise from the ashes, a truly good person.
“I’m not saying it’ll be me but it’ll definitely be me.”