Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

The Middle East, a region that has long been the epicenter of global conflicts, is once again witnessing a dangerous escalation of violence. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Lebanon, coupled with the plight of the Palestinian people, continues to dominate international headlines and global policy discussions. The historical animosity between Israel and its neighbors, particularly Lebanon and Palestine, has deepened over the years, with no foreseeable resolution in sight.

This article explores the roots of the conflict, the recent escalation of violence, and the humanitarian crises that have unfolded. It takes a critical stance on the aggression by Israel and supports the struggles of Lebanon and Palestine for justice, sovereignty, and peace. The perspective will address the role of colonialism, occupation, and international law while advocating for the rights of the Lebanese and Palestinian people.

Historical Background: The Roots of the Conflict

The Israeli-Lebanese conflict is deeply intertwined with the broader Israeli-Arab conflict, and particularly with the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Since the creation of Israel in 1948, the Middle East has been a battleground for wars, uprisings, and insurgencies (Pappé, 2015). Lebanon, due to its geographical proximity and its support for Palestinian resistance, has frequently found itself in the crosshairs of Israeli aggression.

The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 marked a significant moment in the history of the conflict. Israel’s military intervention, aimed at dismantling the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), resulted in widespread destruction and the deaths of thousands of Lebanese civilians (Chomsky, 2019). Despite withdrawing its forces in 2000, Israel has continued to conduct airstrikes and military operations within Lebanese territory under the pretext of national security.

At the heart of the conflict is the Israeli occupation of Palestine, particularly in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians have been subjected to decades of occupation, dispossession, and violence by the Israeli state. The continued expansion of Israeli settlements, the demolition of Palestinian homes, and the imposition of blockades have exacerbated the suffering of Palestinians and have been key drivers of the region’s instability (Khalidi, 2020).

Recent Escalation of Violence

The recent escalation of violence between Israel and Lebanon is a continuation of the decades-old conflict. In 2023, tensions flared once again as Israeli military forces launched strikes against targets in southern Lebanon, claiming retaliation against Hezbollah, a Lebanese political and military organization. Hezbollah, which has significant influence in Lebanon and supports Palestinian resistance, has been a frequent target of Israeli aggression (Mousavi, 2023).

Hezbollah’s role in the Lebanese political landscape has always been a point of contention. Israel views Hezbollah as a direct threat to its national security due to its military capabilities and ideological opposition to Israel’s existence. However, from Lebanon’s perspective, Hezbollah is not only a political entity but also a resistance movement that defends Lebanese sovereignty against Israeli invasions and airstrikes. The group has also been a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause, further intensifying the animosity between Israel and Hezbollah (Saab, 2021).

The ongoing airstrikes and ground skirmishes in southern Lebanon have caused immense devastation, particularly for civilians. Israeli attacks have targeted infrastructure, homes, and civilian areas, resulting in a humanitarian crisis. The lack of international intervention has allowed Israel to continue its military operations with impunity.

In addition, the recent intensification of violence in Gaza and the West Bank has further inflamed the region. The Israeli military’s brutal crackdown on Palestinian protesters, along with its relentless airstrikes on Gaza, has caused massive civilian casualties and widespread destruction. Israel justifies its actions as self-defense, but the scale of the violence and the targeting of civilian infrastructure suggest otherwise. The UN has condemned the disproportionate use of force by Israel, but these condemnations have had insignificant effect on the ground (Fisk, 2021).

International Law and the Question of Occupation

The question of occupation and the violation of international law are central to the conflict between Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine. Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories and its frequent incursions into Lebanese territory constitute a blatant disregard for international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention, which outlines the responsibilities of occupying powers, explicitly prohibits the transfer of an occupier’s civilian population into the occupied territory (ICRC, 2016). Despite this, Israel has continued to expand settlements in the West Bank, effectively colonizing Palestinian land.

Moreover, the United Nations Security Council has repeatedly condemned Israeli actions in Lebanon and Palestine. Resolutions 242 and 338 call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied territories and emphasize the inadmissibility of acquiring territory by war. However, Israel has consistently ignored these resolutions, maintaining its occupation and launching periodic military campaigns under the guise of national security (United Nations, 1973).

In the context of Lebanon, Israel’s frequent airstrikes and military operations violate Lebanon’s sovereignty, which is protected under international law. The principle of non-intervention is enshrined in the United Nations Charter, yet Israel has continuously violated Lebanese airspace and territorial integrity with little consequence. This ongoing aggression has led to the displacement of Lebanese civilians and the destruction of critical infrastructure, exacerbating the country’s already fragile socio-economic conditions (Haddad, 2022).

The Humanitarian Crisis in Lebanon and Palestine

The humanitarian impact of the Israeli-Lebanese conflict and the Israeli occupation of Palestine is staggering. In Lebanon, the destruction caused by Israeli airstrikes has displaced thousands of people, particularly in the southern regions. The country is already grappling with a severe economic crisis, and the conflict has only worsened the living conditions of ordinary Lebanese citizens. Infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, and water systems has been damaged, making it difficult for civilians to access basic services (Amnesty International, 2023).

In Palestine, the situation is even more dire. The Israeli blockade of Gaza has created what many international organizations describe as an open-air prison. The blockade has severely restricted the movement of goods and people, leading to shortages of food, medicine, and other essential supplies. The UN has warned that Gaza may become uninhabitable due to the blockade, lack of infrastructure, and repeated military attacks (UN OCHA, 2022).

Palestinians in the West Bank face similar challenges, including the demolition of homes, the confiscation of land for Israeli settlements, and frequent military raids. The Israeli occupation has fragmented Palestinian communities, with checkpoints and the separation wall making it nearly impossible for Palestinians to move freely within their own territories. The lack of access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities has created a humanitarian disaster that shows no signs of abating (Khalidi, 2020).

Global Response and the Role of Western Powers

One of the most frustrating aspects of the Israel-Lebanon conflict and the occupation of Palestine is the lack of decisive action from the international community. Western powers, particularly the United States, have played a significant role in perpetuating the conflict by providing military aid and diplomatic support to Israel. The U.S. has consistently vetoed UN Security Council resolutions that criticize Israel or call for an end to its occupation of Palestinian territories (Chomsky, 2019). This unwavering support has emboldened Israel to continue its aggressive policies without fear of repercussions.

The European Union, while expressing concern over the situation in the Middle East, has also been criticized for its failure to take strong action against Israel. Economic and political interests often take precedence over human rights concerns, and many Western nations continue to maintain close ties with Israel despite its violations of international law (Fisk, 2021). The lack of meaningful sanctions or pressure on Israel has allowed the situation to escalate further.

Conversely, Lebanon and Palestine have struggled to garner the same level of international support. Lebanon, already weakened by internal political divisions and economic collapse, lacks the resources and international clout to effectively challenge Israel. Meanwhile, the Palestinian leadership remains fragmented, with the divisions between Fatah and Hamas weakening the overall Palestinian resistance movement (Khalidi, 2020). Despite widespread international sympathy for the Palestinian cause, the lack of a unified political front has hindered efforts to achieve a viable solution.

Taking a Stand: Why Support Lebanon and Palestine?

The current escalation of violence between Israel and Lebanon, and the ongoing occupation of Palestine, are rooted in issues of justice, sovereignty, and human rights. Supporting Lebanon and Palestine in this conflict is not merely a matter of taking sides in a geopolitical struggle but is fundamentally about standing up for the rights of oppressed people.

For decades, Lebanon has faced repeated invasions and airstrikes from Israel, with devastating consequences for its civilian population. Israel’s violations of Lebanese sovereignty, coupled with its disregard for international law, have contributed to the destabilization of the region. Supporting Lebanon’s right to defend its territory and its people is essential to promoting peace and stability in the Middle East (Haddad, 2022).

Similarly, the Palestinian struggle for self-determination is one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories has resulted in the dispossession and displacement of millions of Palestinians, denying them the right to live freely on their own land. Supporting Palestine means advocating for an end to the occupation, the dismantling of settlements, and the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state (Pappé, 2015).


The ongoing conflict between Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine is a reflection of deeper historical grievances and power imbalances in the Middle East. Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and its repeated military aggression against Lebanon have created a cycle of violence that has led to immense human suffering. The international community’s failure to hold Israel accountable for its actions has only prolonged the conflict.

Taking a stand with Lebanon and Palestine is not about opposing the existence of Israel but rather about advocating for justice, human rights, and the rule of law. Lebanon and Palestine deserve the right to live in peace, free from occupation, aggression, and the threat of violence. The international community must prioritize the protection of civilians and the promotion of a just and lasting peace in the region.

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