Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

You’ll likely find yourself at a mall in the next few weeks, shopping for holiday presents, supplies and decorations.

The mall food court was my weekend refuge as a teenager. A friend or classmate was always going or coming, so I could always catch a ride. It was a free place to hang out and the food was relatively affordable, especially on my abysmal weekly allowance.

As an adult, I try to avoid the food courts and their fluorescent lights that seem to age me more than time ever does. The steam trays full of overcooked noodles and rubbery chicken and the weary shoppers slumped over Styrofoam containers of said noodles and chicken leave much to be desired. For the most part, it’s the same short list of chains in every mall. You know the pizza one, the orange chicken one and the place with the kebabs. If that’s your jam, more power to you. The allure faded for me along with my adolescent acne.

But in advance of this year’s holiday shopping season, I put together a list of restaurants I actually enjoy visiting, that happen to be inside a mall, across the street or a short drive or walk away.

If you’re going to be stuck shopping, you should at least eat well.

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