The best Vietnamese restaurants to try pho in Los Angeles
Few meals are as restorative as a steaming-hot bowl of pho — the Vietnamese noodle soup that many claim is their go-to remedy for nursing…
Few meals are as restorative as a steaming-hot bowl of pho — the Vietnamese noodle soup that many claim is their go-to remedy for nursing…
Getty ImagesVietnamese property tycoon Truong My Lan is in a race for her life.On Tuesday, the 68-year-old will hear the verdict in her appeal against…
When the first generation of Vietnamese refugees began arriving in Orange County decades ago, many of them harbored a longing to participate in the political…
At a solemn reunion in Orange County, dozens of elderly Vietnamese Americans gathered recently to reconnect with others once held at Suối Máu, a camp…
Never before has a television series garnered so much excitement, attention and concern among California’s expatriate Vietnamese community, the world’s largest, as “The Sympathizer.” HBO’s…
When Park Chan-wook read “The Sympathizer” for the first time, maybe six or seven years ago, he felt like he was watching fireworks explode in…
The government says an increasing proportion of small boat crossings are made by Vietnamese nationals. Source link