Could today’s global conflicts bring World War III closer? | Conflict News
Global wars are raging with major powers in the East and West often arming opposing sides. Wars are raging around the world, and many conflicts…
Global wars are raging with major powers in the East and West often arming opposing sides. Wars are raging around the world, and many conflicts…
The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which is the main humanitarian agency in Gaza, has been facing…
It was the deadliest incident in a spate of attacks since 2021 in the oil-rich Abyei border region. Dozens are reported to have been killed…
Several Western countries have suspended aid to UNWRA, a move criticised by Palestinians and top UN officials. Here’s how things stand on Sunday, January 28,…
NewsFeedPalestinians say Israeli forces fired on them as they collected aid in northern Gaza. Video shows hundreds of people fleeing as gunfire is heard.Published On…
Ruling seen as win for Biden administration amid dispute with Texas over ‘inhumane’ fence that has injured migrants. The United States Supreme Court has ruled…
“No doctor wakes up in the morning and says: ‘I'm going to amputate a child's leg without anaesthesia.’” “You don't want to watch children suffer,”…
With bombing from all sides and in areas including hospitals and universities, there is no safe corridor for people to escape. Israeli shells have battered…
UN chief António Guterres denounces Israel for the ‘heartbreaking’ deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The Palestinian death toll in Israel’s assault on Gaza has…