Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A MOTHER has found that the key to ‘having it all’ is putting minimal effort into every area of her life. 

Marketing director Emma, not her real name,, who has two young children, struggled with the challenge of finding fulfilment in both her personal and professional life, until she realised the solution was to give less of a f**k about all of it. 

She said: “Before I had kids I imagined that I’d tutor them in French, ferry them around to clarinet lessons, stand at the side of football pitches and be an active member of the PTA. But, ultimately, as long as they’re fed and get to school on time, they’re thriving. 

“And before I got promoted to marketing director I thought I’d be up all night coming up with genius, award-winning campaigns, but actually as long as the client sells a few more tins of beans, everyone is happy and I get paid. 

“I’ve convinced the parents at the school gate that I’m not more involved because I’m so busy at work, while at work I’ve convinced them I’m a bit hands off because I’m really focused on my children. 

“And then I spend all the extra time I create lying on the sofa watching Bluey with the kids. It’s the perfect crime.” 

By Kevin Gower

I just want to be a handsome billionaire