Sat. Sep 28th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Bishop Lanier Twyman of Temple Hills, Maryland, delivers the keynote address for the King Day ceremony Monday, Jan. 16, 2023 at Tablernacle Baptist Church in Petersburg.

PETERSBURG, Va. – On the day that the nation paused to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the keynote speaker at a ceremony Monday in the city where the holiday originated reminded his audience that service to others is based on compassion and some divine intervention.

“If the dream is ever going to become a reality, we must have love for our fellow man,” Bishop Lanier Twyman told a packed sanctuary at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia. “Our love must not just be in words only. Compassion will rearrange your priorities.”

Twyman drew similarities between King’s service to civil rights and the biblical story of the Good Samaritan who stopped to help an injured man when priests and others would not. Like King, Twyman said the Samaritan decided that helping the injured person was more important that what he originally planned to do that day.

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