Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Tens of thousands of people are expected to visit the former pope before he is laid to rest on Thursday.

A steady stream of people has begun to pay their respects to former Pope Benedict XVI, whose body is lying in state at St Peter’s Basilica before his funeral later this week.

The doors of the basilica were swung open to the public shortly after 9am local time (08:00 GMT) on Monday. Some of those in attendance had waited for hours in the dampness before dawn to pay their respects to the late pontiff.

The German theologian, who died on Saturday aged 95 in a secluded Vatican monastery, led the Catholic Church for eight years before becoming the first pope in six centuries to step down in 2013.

Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to visit the Vatican in the coming days, with people permitted to file past the former head of the Catholic Church until Wednesday evening.

His body, dressed in red and gold liturgical vestments, has been placed on a simple dais watched over by two Swiss guards. Public viewing will last for 10 hours on Monday, with 12 hours scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday each.

Security officials expected at least 25,000 people to pass by the body on the first day of viewing.

Benedict’s funeral will be held on Thursday in St Peter’s Square and be presided over by Pope Francis, before his remains are laid to rest in the tombs beneath St Peter’s Basilica.

Pope Benedict XVI
Benedict died on Saturday at the age of 95 in the secluded Vatican monastery where he had lived since his shock resignation in 2013 [File: Tony Gentile/Vatican]

‘Solemn but simple funeral planned

Benedict’s shock resignation nearly a decade ago created the extraordinary situation of having two “men in white” – him and Francis – at the Vatican. He cited his frailty, saying he lacked the strength for such a demanding job. His resignation may have ultimately paved the way for Pope Francis and future pontiffs to resign due to poor health.

His funeral will also break new ground.

Papal deaths usually trigger the calling of a conclave of cardinals to elect a successor, but this time Francis remains in post, and will lead proceedings.

Benedict’s funeral will be “solemn but simple”, the Vatican has said, after which he will be buried in the papal tombs under St Peter’s Basilica. The Vatican has yet to release details of the guest list, beyond saying that it will include delegations from Italy and Benedict’s native Germany.

The last papal funeral, of John Paul II in 2005, drew a million faithful and heads of state from around the world, although Benedict was a more divisive figure.

A brilliant theologian, he alienated many Catholics with his staunch defence of traditional values. As pope, he struggled to impose his authority on the church as it battled a string of crises, including over clerical sex abuse. His successor cuts a very different figure, an Argentinian Jesuit who is most at home among his flock and has sought to forge a more compassionate church.

Pope Francis paid tribute to Benedict in three New Year’s events at the Vatican over the weekend, “thanking God for the gift of this faithful servant of the Gospel and of the Church”.

Francis, 86, has raised the prospect that he might follow Benedict’s example and step down if he became unable to carry out his duties.

In July, suffering knee problems that have forced him to rely on a wheelchair, he admitted he needed to slow down or think about stepping aside.

Last month, Francis revealed he had signed a resignation letter when he took office should poor health prevent him from carrying out his duties.

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