Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

AN office worker has taken a much needed day off for rest and relaxation within the confines of his office. 

Communications manager Guido, not his real name, had a heavy weekend, met some key deadlines last week and believes he deserves a day’s break while technically still attending work. 

He said: “I opened my emails this morning and thought: Nope. Not today.

“I spent the first hour browsing, shopping, all the rest, then at 10am purposefully arose from my chair and set off, sheaf of papers in hand, to visit my mate Andy on the seventh floor. 

“I did the full tour; Andy, Jane in HR, a can of Dr Pepper with the IT lads and I even swung by the postroom to catch up on the ongoing saga of Iain and the bird on reception.

“Then I settled down and wrote a few emails: my old friend Simon, a complaint to AirBNB, filled Andy in on the Iain/reception-bird situation, had a quick hand shandy in the bogs, then watched Love Island on my phone.”

Boss Helen, not her real name, said: “It’s okay, I’ve done fuck all myself.” 

By Kevin Gower

I just want to be a handsome billionaire