Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
Occasional Digest - a story for you

THIS week we are celebrating love – and if you think you are above average when it comes to being observant, we have a puzzle for you.

Hidden in an image of London with the iconic Big Ben is a tiny heart that is waiting to be discovered.

Can you find the hidden heart in this London city scene?16

Can you find the hidden heart in this London city scene?Credit: Wizz Air

Will you be able to locate the pink cartoon heart in under 30 seconds?

The puzzle has been created by Wizz Air and you’ll have to look closely at the cityscape to be able to solve the mystery.

But don’t panic if you are struggling, as we’ll share the answer below.

And we also have a hint for you if you are stuck.

Try to focus on the red bus driving past the famous English landmark.

Did you manage to spot the heart?

If you reckon you have what it takes, Wizz Air also created seven other puzzles with the missing heart.

The shape is hidden in photographs of some of the beautiful European destinations that the airline flies to. 

Scroll down to try your hand at the challenges.

Fancy giving a go at more brainteasers? Check if you have a high IQ by trying to find the hidden elephant in just eight seconds.

Everyone can see the grass patches – but you have 20/20 vision & a high IQ if you can spot the hidden goat in 8 seconds

Meanwhile, this mind-boggling brainteaser has even the most professional puzzlers scratching their heads in pursuit of the answer.

Everyone can spot the elephant but the challenge is to count her legs.

Still up for one more? This tricky optical illusion has left puzzle-lovers questioning the quality of their eyesight.

Finding the hidden baby rhino buried in this group of elephants is a challenge – can you do it in less than ten seconds?

How can optical illusions and brainteasers help me?

Engaging in activities like solving optical illusions and brainteasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate various brain regions.

Some benefits include:

  • Cognitive stimulation: Engaging in these activities challenges the brain, promoting mental agility and flexibility.
  • Problem-solving skills: Regular practice enhances analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Memory improvement: These challenges often require memory recall and can contribute to better memory function.
  • Creativity: They encourage thinking outside the box, fostering creativity and innovative thought processes.
  • Focus and attention: Working on optical illusions and brainteasers requires concentration, contributing to improved focus.
  • Stress relief: The enjoyable nature of these puzzles can act as a form of relaxation and stress relief.
Did you manage to find the heart?


Did you manage to find the heart?Credit: Wizz Air
Can you spot the Valentines-themed shape in this scene of Athens?


Can you spot the Valentines-themed shape in this scene of Athens?Credit: Wizz Air
Next up, we’re going to Istanbul - the exciting capital of Türkiye, fondly known as The City That Never Sleeps


Next up, we’re going to Istanbul – the exciting capital of Türkiye, fondly known as The City That Never SleepsCredit: Wizz Air
The thermal baths would be a lovely place to spend the day with your partner in Budapest - but can you see the hidden heart?


The thermal baths would be a lovely place to spend the day with your partner in Budapest – but can you see the hidden heart?Credit: Wizz Air
Krakow is the perfect destination for a romantic wander through the mediaeval streets, but can you see the love heart?


Krakow is the perfect destination for a romantic wander through the mediaeval streets, but can you see the love heart?Credit: Wizz Air
Next up is the beautiful Prague, City of a Thousand Spires


Next up is the beautiful Prague, City of a Thousand SpiresCredit: Wizz Air
Looking at this photo of Lisbon, you can almost feel the Portuguese sun, but can you see the heart?


Looking at this photo of Lisbon, you can almost feel the Portuguese sun, but can you see the heart?Credit: Wizz Air
The Trevi fountain in Rome is a must-see landmark - but can you see the heart?


The Trevi fountain in Rome is a must-see landmark – but can you see the heart?Credit: Wizz Air
Were you looking for love in the wrong places? Did you see it in the window of the building on the right?


Were you looking for love in the wrong places? Did you see it in the window of the building on the right?Credit: Wizz Air
Did you see the heart hidden on the lantern?


Did you see the heart hidden on the lantern?Credit: Wizz Air
It’s on the roof of Buda Castle - it’s pretty well hidden among all those ornate triangular tiles


It’s on the roof of Buda Castle – it’s pretty well hidden among all those ornate triangular tilesCredit: Wizz Air
That little heart is hiding in plain sight on the building on the right


That little heart is hiding in plain sight on the building on the rightCredit: Wizz Air
Another one on the side of a building - it just goes to show, love is always around the corner


Another one on the side of a building – it just goes to show, love is always around the cornerCredit: Wizz Air
There it is, tucked away behind the corner of the wall


There it is, tucked away behind the corner of the wallCredit: Wizz Air
It’s there! It stands out quite well on the white stone, but with all the intricate details of the fountain it’s deceptively hard to find


It’s there! It stands out quite well on the white stone, but with all the intricate details of the fountain it’s deceptively hard to findCredit: Wizz Air

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