Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Indigenous leaders are calling on the Northern Territory government to halt the development of more critical mineral mines until they start rehabilitating toxic exhausted sites, including the Redbank Mine.

For three decades, the deserted Redbank Mine, in the NT’s Gulf of Carpentaria, has been leaking battery acid-strength contamination into the environment across 40 kilometres, to the Queensland/ NT border

Where a copper mine used to be, there are now piles of disintegrating bags releasing chemicals into the wind, rusted infrastructure that creaks, and bands of orange and white substances crusting the leaking tailings dam.

A few kilometres below the site, acid leaching has turned Hanrahan’s Creek a fluorescent lime green, and the body of water is devoid of plants and fish.

An old dilapidated mine site which hasn't been rehabilitated
Redbank Mine’s deserted infrastructure is leaking pollution as far as Queensland.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Cultural custodian Donald Shadforth said he could not believe the state the site had been left in.

“I feel broken-hearted, seeing it like this,” he said.

“My grandmother used to walk and hunt and fish here, she would cry if she could see this.

“I think it’s a wakeup call for us to say, ‘right, no more mining on this country’.”

Indigenous man with grey hair stands in front of an old mine site which hasn't been cleaned up

Donald Shadforth is appalled at the state of the Redbank mine site.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Mr Shadforth said his family had used to camp in the area.

“When I was a kid, it was a beautiful little paradise, this place, but when they put that mine here it changed,” he said.

“It makes you feel sad because what I see is this country crying out for help, you know?”

A polluted shallow creek

Hanrahan’s Creek is devoid of life because of pollution from the Redbank Mine.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Polluted shallow creek with a greeny colour

The pollution has turned the water green.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Government promises rehabilitation study

Since the Redbank Mine ceased operation in 1996, after two years of production, successive Northern Territory governments have promised traditional owners to stop the pollution.

NT Mining Minister Nicole Manison has now promised there will be a study started into rehabilitation options.

“That consultation is continuing with the community there, to look at what is the best way to go forward with rehabilitation of that site,” she said.

But the mine site’s native title holders, including Garawa elder Keith Rory, are sceptical.

“Well we heard it from them before. They keep telling us they’re going to fix the mine,” Mr Rory said.

Indigenous man stands in front of old mine site with infrastructure left over

Keith Rory is devastated that the legacy of copper mining at Redbank is pollution, which has spread across 40 kilometres.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Chief executive of the Northern Land Council (NLC), Joe Martin-Jard, said traditional owners wanted rehabilitation of the Redbank Mine to start now. 

“As far as we can see, from the Northern Territory government, it’s all talk and no action,” he said.

“All we’re hearing about is a plan to get a plan.”

Native title holder Donald Bob agreed.

“It’s damaging the whole country and we need it fixed,” he said.

“Nothing’s happening, we need things happening on the ground.”

Indigenous man with hat points to polluted creek behind him

Donald Bob is devastated the Redbank Mine has polluted creeks as far as Queensland.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Calls for Redbank clean-up before new projects

While Redbank and hundreds of other legacy mines continue to sit unrehabilitated, the NT government is urgently pushing for more critical minerals operations to be established.

It’s part of a national push to help reduce the reliance of the Australian and US renewables manufacturing industry on Chinese products.

Many proposed sites are on wholly Indigenous-owned or native title land.

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