Mon. Sep 30th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

DEAR DEIDRE: MY new man treated me like a princess until I found out he’s HIV positive.

I’m ashamed to say that I reacted badly to the news and now he won’t talk to me any more.

He’s a man who owns a dry-cleaning business and I was one of his customers.

He’s 48, I’m 32. I was single for a long time having been cheated on in the past.

He had asked me out for a drink a couple of times but I had always said no.

Then I walked past his shop three months ago and he ran up the road after me and said, “Hey, how about that drink?” Because of his persistence, I agreed and we set up a date.

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We took things very slowly and I was wary because of my past, but also I wasn’t sure about the age gap.

But he treated me so well and took me out to special places. It was great.

One evening, I told him I wanted to take things further and we could have sex.

His demeanour changed. He told me that he had something to tell me and explained that he’d caught HIV through a previous female partner.

The look of horror must have been written all over my face because he walked out.

Now he won’t reply to my messages. I don’t know what to do.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Today HIV does not have the death sentence linked to it like it did in the Eighties.

It is treatable and people who have it can lead a full and normal life, with care.

Read up about it and arm yourself with the facts by checking out the Terrence Higgins Trust website (, 0808 802 1221).

You can then take a walk to his shop and ask to have a proper talk.

Explain that you were initially taken aback but you’ve had time to think and would like to start again.

Let’s hope he is receptive. Good luck.

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