Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M addicted to having sex with one of my female friends, even though I’m married to a sweet and kind woman.

In an ideal world, I’d be with her, not my wife.

But she isn’t interested in me romantically — she just likes the fact I’m very well-endowed.

I’m 33, my wife is 30 and the other woman is 32.

I’ve know my friend since sixth form.

When I was 18, I asked her out and she turned me down.

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It was only when I started dating her friend a few years later that she learned second-hand about how well off I am down there.

Suddenly, she started flirting and, one day, she suggested a threesome.

Sex with her was incredible. I soon dumped my girlfriend. But despite our fireworks in bed, she still didn’t want a relationship.

She had boyfriend after boyfriend, but she cheated on every one of them with me.

She even encouraged me to have sex with her friends and sister.

Sometimes, I felt used, like a sex object, but we got on so well in and out of bed I was sure that eventually she would realise we were meant to be together.

But she made it clear that I’m not successful or good-looking enough for her.

Four years ago, she met and married her husband, who is wealthy and handsome.

Soon after, I decided to get married too. I love my wife, who is very sweet and kind, but our sex life is boring.

I tried to resist my mate and managed for about a year. But in the end, I couldn’t help myself.

If my wife finds out, I know our marriage will be over.

How can I wean myself off sex with my friend?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your friend is using you. No wonder you feel like a sex object, that’s how she treats you.

You need to ask yourself why, if you get on so well and also clearly enjoy sex together, she has never wanted a proper relationship with you.

A really good friend wouldn’t treat you like this, or want you to risk your marriage.

She sounds very self-centred.

Perhaps you need to break off the friendship and block all communication with her.

This is the only way you’ll stop being tempted, and then you can concentrate on making a go of your marriage.

If sex with your wife is boring, then my support pack, 50 Ways To Add Fun To Sex, should help.

You should also read the one on Addictive Love, which explains these types of relationships, and how to recover from them.

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