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The Treasury under Secretary Janet Yellen imposed sanctions against dozens of people and entities as the Biden administration continues to try and restrict Russia's ability to make war. File Photo by Bonnie Cash/UPI
The Treasury under Secretary Janet Yellen imposed sanctions against dozens of people and entities as the Biden administration continues to try and restrict Russia’s ability to make war. File Photo by Bonnie Cash/UPI | License Photo

July 21 (UPI) — The Biden administration unleashed a swath punitive measures targeting Russia’s war-making abilities Thursday, blacklisting some 120 people and entities.

The sanctions by the departments of State and Treasury were imposed against people, companies and ships based in Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates, though predominantly in Russia, freezing all property and interest in property held in their names, while barring U.S. citizens from doing business with them.

U.S. officials say the measures target Russia’s munitions factories and high-technology industries, degrades its access to the international financial system, limits its revenue from mining and metals industries and disrupts its technology suppliers, importers and developers.

“As long as Russia continues to wage its unprovoked and brutal war against Ukraine, we will impose sanctions to deprive Russia of the technology it needs and disrupt the Russian arms industry’s ability to resupply,” Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo said in a statement.

Biden administration officials said Thursday’s sanctions further implement commitments leaders of the wealthy G7 nations made during meetings on Feb. 24 and May 19.

Following the last G7 summit in Japan, the group imposed sanctions targeting Russia and announced plans to provide Ukraine with F-16 warplanes.

Britain on Thursday separately sanctioned 13 people and firms linked to actions taken by the Wagner Group in Mali, Central African Republic and Sudan where the private military has sought to destabilize the African nations in furtherance of Russia’s goals.

The 27-member European Union on Thursday also established a new framework for sanctions against Iran over its military’s support of Russia’s war.

As previous sanctions have taken a bite out of the Kremlin’s ability to produce and secure weaponry Moscow has been forced to seek the assistance of countries, such as Iran and North Korea, to replenish its dwindling supplies.

Russia has particularly relied on Iran for drones, and the new sanctions regime implemented Thursday by the EU prohibits the export of components used in drones from the union to Iran.

The bloc on Thursday also sanctioned six Iranians, which the union said shows its “resolve to continue responding swiftly and decisively to Iran’s actions.

“The European Union condemns the delivery of Iranian drones to Russia and their deadly deployment in the war of aggression against Ukraine,” it said in a statement.

The United States announced the sanctions a day after unveiling a $1.3 billion military package for Ukraine to bolster its defense against Russia, which launched its full-scale invasion more than 500 days ago on Feb. 24, 2022.

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