Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Across the world, constant craving for access to finance is only a hallucinatory condition of the bureaucratic minds, as entrepreneurial minds create earth-moving mobilization that leaves money in the dust behind. Understanding such differentiation will save lingering economies and uplift national entrepreneurialism.  There are millions of untapped, unexplored, and underutilized men and women entrepreneurs in each nation worldwide. No further proof is required.

Political power without superior economic power is no power at all. Economic power without entrepreneurialism roots is just powerless games of numbers. Without proper deciphering of the “Mindset Hypotheses and its prime differentiations” between the job-creator and the job-seeker mindset, there is no economic development but just public relations. Real power is the citizen power capable of standing up to the global age of competitiveness. How nations become entrepreneurial economies?

Entrepreneurial USA: In the course of human endeavor, no other experiment has been as successful as American entrepreneurialism. It carved a historical path and taught the world how to build entrepreneurial SME-based economies. The USA was the largest ocean of high-potential SMEs a century ago, which grew and gave birth to the world’s largest industrialized and prosperous economy. Visible and open like a book, these models of grassroots prosperity were no national secrets. Despite massive global shifts and internal economic challenges, the USA is still by far the most entrepreneurial society in the world.

A deep historical study of American attitudes will show how their attitudes towards risk-taking created superior entrepreneurialism and how the rest of the world still makes the greatest error in economic thinking.

The future of the American economy now will not be found in the unlimited debt or overly protected comforting layers of triple hedge funding schemes but more as a wake-up call once again in the regimented and streamlined SME revival to fix the long-term national, local grassroots prosperity problems. The 2024 election will be the biggest challenge for Americans on the economic fronts and geopolitical posturing for the world.

Entrepreneurial India: Today, the largest global model of such experimentations, this democratic and English-speaking nation has already created a couple of hundred million new entrepreneurs and, by 2030, may become the number one most entrepreneurial nation with global reach.

The future of Indian economic growth is directly being fertilized by rapidly growing SMEs’ productivity, performance, and profitability. The 2024 elections will test the vision of the national leadership.

Entrepreneurial China: This nation has already proven how it transformed from oceans of small SMEs into medium and large reservoirs of the largest assembly of high-quality manufacturing and a trained workforce unmatched by any other nation. China is China, and deep study is essential.

The future of China’s economic progress is the top fear among all other superpower nations. Nevertheless, China already shows that its internal organizational skills as far superior to any other country. When translated, it will create a disciplined world order over the current customized pay-for-play broken world order.

The Entrepreneurial World: With some 100 nations in the race, the ones able to decipher the mysterious codes of entrepreneurialism and build meritocratic teams of economic development will find rapid growth; the rest will yawn, sleep and linger as they have been for decades. Unfortunately, the sleepy nations have missed the beneficial eruptions of new mathematics, especially for the SME sector economies to expand exponentially.

There are some 50 high-potential nations; their combined outputs will be far greater than superpower nations combined. Failed globalization needs another better chance to create global-scale trades where SMEs will lead. This new thinking is extremely offensive to old school still searching for cheap labor to export home base manufacturing.

Understanding new mathematics of SME sectors: Decades ago, accessible only to multinational enterprises, millions of dollar technologies are now available for less than $1000 to SMEs worldwide. At the same time, expensive million-dollar expertise, once only available to giant enterprises, is now available for $1000. Global knowledge used for business expansion, available for million dollars to multinational corporations now available for $1000 to high-potential SMEs worldwide. What levels of entrepreneurial imagination are needed to see tens of thousands of SMEs dancing on vertical global digital platforms of trading and exportability and bringing foreign exchanges? 

What is needed in BRIC nations? What is missing in Commonwealth nations? What will help African countries? What will grow OIC nations? Some billion SMEs require identification, categorization, and digitization, and when all are deployed on national mobilization with nation-by-nation agendas, it will change the global economic models.

BRICS nations may lead, the West may follow, and ASEAN may outperform while Africa, with South-South, expands rapidly. Planning is the driver; dialogue and debates are the fuel; national mobilization is the revolution and the execution of the reward.

Open challenge to current economic development models: Where are such programs hidden or deployments of transformational timelines in action? It takes ten days to firm-up policies to start an SME sector digitization program. It takes 100 days to mobilize and place 1000 to 100,000 SMEs on digital platforms. It takes 1000 days to have a bouncing economic development and global activities. So at what speed are the SME sectors up-skilling and moving? Where are the procedures and processes for the mobilization of large-scale mental preparedness with timelines? It takes 1000 days to become a top-class economic development game player. It takes 100 days for deep immersion to become a champion of digital transformations. It takes ten days of intense workshops to articulate such senior-level discussions.

A few decades ago, the dream of a Chinese was to own a watch, a bicycle, and a sewing machine. To stand up to the global age of competitiveness, the best dream available for the world’s free economies is a calculator, an atlas, and a calendar. Markets are always hungry and expanding, and SMEs are constantly struggling, always ready to grow; unfortunately, the mindsets are often frozen, unexposed, unbalanced, and unchallenged.  Combative tools of today; calculate, map out, and watch timelines.

As the world is awakening, the time is now to wake up and solve large-scale global problems. Economies need fixing at grassroots prosperity levels and not at crypto-tyranny level, immigration problems with new jobs at home base and not customs control in foreign lands, the climate change programs with full stomach guarantee and green economy and not starvation and wars in actions—primarily mindset adjustments at the home base level to improve productivity, performance, and profitability.

What are the critically missing links in your departments? What levels of rapid-fire training should be included amongst the economic frontline teams, and what national agenda needs streaming to create national mobilization of SME entrepreneurialism? Study more on Google; the rest is easy.

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