Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A Canberra man has pleaded guilty to choking two 13-year-olds in retaliation for a slapping game, in which he believed his stepson was hurt.

The 31-year-old man and his partner were supposed to go on trial in the ACT Supreme Court today, but the case was abandoned after he pleaded guilty, and a burglary charge against his partner was dropped.

Court documents reveal the man’s stepson had been invited by three other teenage boys to join them at a park in July last year, where they played a game of ‘slap boxing’.

It was alleged the other boys thought the man’s stepson had broken the rules, with one of the boys responding by hitting him in the eye and nose.

The boy went home and told his mother and stepfather that he had got the better of one of the boys in the game, and was jumped by the three others.

According to the documents, the couple then went to a house to confront the three boys who were at a sleepover in a bedroom, entering through the unlocked front door.

“Well you boys, we’re going to have to talk,” the man said as he went into the bedroom.

“Get out of my room,” one of the boys responded.

The man put him in a headlock and the pair fell onto the bed with the man on top of the 13-year-old.

The man then grabbed a second 13-year-old by the neck, momentarily restricting his ability to breathe.

The incident ended with the father of the boy who lived in the house interrupted, telling the pair to leave.

When police went to arrest the man, he tried to hide under a bed, but eventually gave himself up.

His partner later told police he had gone into ‘dad mode’ after hearing his stepson had been attacked.

The man will be sentenced on Friday.

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