Azim vs Lipinets – R8
Azim does forget the downstairs and lands a beautiful uppercut that shook Lipinets.
Now it’s Lipinets’ turn to throw a low blow and send Azim walking away to the corner.
Hurting the rhythm of the fight this is, but Azim is still looking very good.
Lipinets is starting to lose a bit of steam in this fight, Azim looks much more comfortable .
They go in close again and Azim catches him with a beautiful uppercut that has the crowd purring.
Azim then sends Lipinets stumbling with another big right but the Kazakh has a quick jog but stays on his feet!
Azim chases him but the bell just comes in time to save Lipinets.
Azim vs Lipinets – R7
Azim goes for a different look in the round – he’s spent most of the fight so far keeping Lipinets ar distance.
But Azim gets straight into the phonebox with his opponent and goes head-to-head, shoulder-to-shoulder with Lipinets – and looks good doing it.
Just as he’s looking comfortable, oh dead – yet ANOTHER low blow.
This one sends Lipinets to the floor and the ref has no option but to take yet another point from Azim.
Azim is well ahead on rounds, and has the knockdown, but taking points off his score is making this much closer than it needs to be.
After the break, Azim returns to the pocket and has the better of the exchanges.
Another round in. In the corner and trainer Shane McGuigan sends a very clear message: “It’s done now… stop going downstairs.”
Azim vs Lipinets – R6
Lipinets comes in for an exchange and Azim lands a nice uppercut, overhand left combo, although it isn’t flush and the damage is minimal.
He next lands that left counter-hook with textbook precision and looks like Azim is just trying to push the pace.
Notably, he hasn’t thrown as many body shots in that round as he did previously – the referee’s words are probably ringing in his ears.
Great work from The Assassin and, for me, that’s another round in the books.
Azim vs Lipinets – R5
Scrappy round from both fighters there.
Lipinets is trying to pick up his own tempo but Azim doesn’t react and just backs off to stay in control.
Lipinets continues to walk forward but Azim plants a lovely counter on him to make him think twice about that next time.
Yet ANOTHER low blow comes in and Lipinets is given yet more time to recover.
No point off that time but there is a very strict word for Azim – that will be another point off next time, the ref says.
Azim vs Lipinets – R4
Azim measured to start the fourth, he’s not quite unloading or looking for the kill just yet.
That left hook to the body proves fruitful again before the ref then has to give Azim another warning about going too low – he’s got to be careful with that.
More good stuff here as he lands a lovely uppercut and then goes close with a viscous left that just misses its target.
Azim plants his feet and lets off a three-punch combo – glancing blocking.
Oh no – well, there you go – another low blow from Azim sends Lipinets walking away into the corner.
The ref has had enough of it and takes a point off Azim. Let’s hope that’s not too costly.
Azim has won all four rounds, including a 10-8 in round three, but that round will have to be scored 9-9.
Azim vs Lipinets – R3
Azim has just upped the pace a little bit and Lipinets in that high guard is leaving the body open again and again.
Azim smashes in a lovely left hook to the body that has Lipinets just grimacing for a brief moment.
Lipinets continues to come forward though – and that proves his undoing!
Azim smashes out a beautiful counter-left that puts Lipinets onto his back.
He beats the count but Azim is now smelling blood here!
Lipinets survives the round but Azim will fancy a KO very soon.