THOUSANDS of Brits are eligible for up to £75 in free supermarket vouchers, which will give them a boost as the cost of living increases.
From 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025 the Government is providing support to a number of homes through the Household Support Fund which is worth £421million.
Each council across England has been allocated a share of the pot and decides who to distribute the support to.
The funding will go to low-income households and will go towards food, energy bills, and other key bills, as well as other areas.
Part of the Household Support Fund is the issuing of vouchers for supermarkets to go towards essential food and household products.
“Funding is aimed at anyone who’s vulnerable or cannot pay for essentials,” the UK Government has said.
read more on cost of living
“You do not have to be getting benefits to get help from your local council.”
Applicants who prove that they are facing hardship will be awarded vouchers based on the size of their household.
Here are the varying amounts:
- Households with one or more adults will get £50 in supermarket vouchers.
- Households with one child will also get £50 worth of vouchers.
- Households with two or more children will get £75 of support.
Applications can be made through local councils and Citizens Advice.
People included in the target group for the funding include families with children, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers, disabled people, larger families and single-person households.
However, there are other households that could also be eligible for the support as each council has its own criteria.
All applications will be processed on a case-by-case basis.
The documents included in the applications should include proof of ID, a recent pill or proof of address that you live in the council the funding comes from, evidence of benefits, and evidence of hardship.
Any voucher issued can only be used for essential items and food and cannot be sold for money.
Cash payments will not be issued in place of vouchers.
It should be noted that successful applicants will only get a one-off support offering per household.
The majority of vouchers will be e-vouchers sent to recipients via email which could take up to 72 hours.
Applicants who fail to provide an email address will receive their voucher in the post.
Another form of support is being issued to those who have lost winter fuel payments.
Hundreds of households can apply for a £200 payment to help cover energy bills as part of the Household Support Fund.
It comes after the Government changed the eligibility criteria for the winter fuel payment meaning only those on certain benefits, including pension credit, will receive the up to £300 payment.
The best thing to do for either of these support packages is to contact your local authority to see if any help is on offer.
You can find what council area you fall under by using the Government’s council locator tool via
The Sun recently shared a guide and interactive map to help those unsure figure out what they may be able to claim.
How has the Household Support Fund evolved?

The Household Support Fund was first launched in October 2021 to help Brits pay their way through winter amid the cost of living crisis.
Councils up and down the country got a slice of the £421million funding available to dish out to Brits in need.
It was then extended in the 2022 Spring Budget and for a second time in October 2022 to help those on the lowest incomes with the rising cost of living.
The DWP then confirmed a third extension of the scheme through to March 31, 2024.
Former chancellor Jeremy Hunt extended the HSF for the fourth time while delivering his Spring Budget on March 6, 2024.
In September 2024, the Government announced a fifth extension.