Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

New Wisdom: How can BRICS lead today’s largest economic group of nations, with the largest populations, lands, resources, and intricate ethno-diversity, on a new path to global economic peace and grassroots prosperity while avoiding carpet-bombing and seeking and destroying doctrine?  The absence of world order is most visible at a time when there is no order without the rule of law, and there are no laws if they are not executed. Will the global populace reward such new efforts to BRICS as a new global podium for justice and order and become a kind of new United Nations assembled to deliver prosperity and prompt justice to protect humankind?

BRICS have already passed some tests: When Capitalism is drowning in the hands of Western economic intellectualism, hence is now challenged and juxtaposed with Socialistic Entrepreneurship, bringing Entrepreneurial Mysticism closer and uplifting, upskilling, and reskilling national citizenry as a prime economic model.

CHINDUSA: China, India, and the USA are the top three supernations, where, if any, two, when combined, will easily crush the third one. Will there be new open wars of competition? No, they already exist, but it will be a war of competency, national mobilization of entrepreneurialism, and the mobilization of entrepreneurial talents of citizens. What America taught the world about creating an entrepreneurial nation over a century ago?

War of Meritocracy & Rule of Law: Most countries dreamed of Americanization in the last century, and history is full of great expansions of successful global influences. Today, BRICS embodies these concepts not because it opposes Americanization but because it operates outside and is not focused on the West.

BRICS has already led the creation of the largest numbers in the history of ‘skilled citizens,’ the largest oceans of ‘creation of SMEs,’ and the largest deployments of national mobilization of ‘entrepreneurial mysticism’ in their application of economic development models. If BRICS member nations applied just a few minor parts of such master plans, the BRICSTANIZAION would occur, a collaborative and meritocratic thinking under the rule of law creating the largest and most prosperous bloc in history, creating a new level of distinct excitement among youth and national citizenry across the bloc.

Playing Three-Dimensional Chess: Reading traditional cartography and hard assets on a map may be old school. It is time to understand the invisibility of ‘soft assets’ like creativity, hidden talents, and entrepreneurial mysticism, the only known power to humankind that originates, develops tiny enterprises into Godzilla-size enterprises.

The Shortism Entrapment: Like a curse on the Western economies, a 90-day cycles on corporate performance, election cycles on the nation’s future, and political cycles to spin between them. Nouveau Populism is on the rise, challenging the old broken systems and wishing to advance to a new layering of the purpose of life: The value of jobs and entrepreneurial skills and talents as measurements of soft and invisible assets, special skills, and mental powers. Once measured and charted, these new 3D cyber charts on ‘soft assets’ will allow for an accurate reading of growth patterns and progress of prosperity. Tragically, traditional economic practices and terminologies do not consider new types of measurements, as they are outside the realm of ‘economic intelligence.’ basically open fear of ‘entrepreneurial mysticism,‘  

Why New Maps: Decades ago, the Western and free economies failed visibly in their studies of predicting what ‘today’ is. Predicting the future demands futuristic literacy; hence, planning and deep thinking are long and primarily focused on the national citizenry.

The absence of Meritocracy is now digitally exposed worldwide. Stripped naked are the current competency levels of all departments of any government, hiding under the desk in silence. The transformation offered to achieve new heights is not a punishment but a reward for liberating and advancing into a new future. Every nation is under a microscope; is it not a good thing?

We must explore the new leaders and drivers of entrepreneurial thoughts in creating future economics based on new terminologies and measuring devices. Current economic maps are essential but more set up like if one had to measure distance, mountains, rivers, roads, and ports as a logistical, operational exercise.

Three-dimensional Economy: Now is the time to take a three-dimensional approach to ‘soft power’ challenges, creating innovative comparative global maps and analysis as digital online charts on various topics. Measurements of invisible ‘soft assets’ are now possible with digitization; unfortunately, they are out of the realm of economic intellectualism for not being numerical theorems and this is where ‘entrepreneurial mysticism’ will chart how to measure national powers of citizenry based on invisible assets.

For instance, we can explore the global mindset divides between job seekers and job creators across different economies. Such imbalances can be measured juxtaposed to the rise and fall of SMEs and’ entrepreneurial nations and sectors while being population-rich nations or knowledge-rich nations.

Furthermore, we can explore the dynamic measures between BRICS nations and other global blocs. This three-dimensional plotting will provide a quick educational resource for the world. Currently, Visual Capitalist offers remarkable charts that illustrate economic concepts effectively.  

The step-by-step application of well-defined and proven methodologies and how they can help create a grand-scale national agenda of upskilling exporters, reskilling manufacturers, and mobilizing the nation’s high-potential SMEs. More on Google

Expothon Worldwide, an international initiative from a Canadian think tank, developed the ‘National mobilization of entrepreneurialism protocols’ over the last decade. These insights are shared weekly and reach approximately 2000 selected VIP recipients, who are national cabinet-level senior government officials across 100 free economies. This track record of expertise and trust forms the foundation of our proposed strategies.

Creation of a Global Hub, once fully equipped and prepared by Expothon, BRICS nations can deploy with global digital accessibility to guide some 50-100 countries on managing their national SME base, upskilling exporters, and reskilling manufacturers, with AI and global access to redefine SMEs and their power base across BRICS member nations.

Why Study China: For decades, in the West, merely dining on “chicken fried rice” in a local Chinatown has been insufficient for claiming expertise in Chinese culture or economics. Instead, a shock visit to China is now essential.

The world we know today has already reached the other side of the horizon. Our success today is measured by our ‘mental capabilities to decipher challenges during our progressive modes of technocalamaties.’ Behold how so many nations are expanding their mental capacities to cope with the future, not by ‘debt-trapped-death-economies’ declared super success.

The world beyond the horizon is now visible, audible, and tangible, but it demands the right mindsets to engage with its entirety. The world has already changed, like marriage has already happened. As we await a baby, the whole house needs adjustments and re-alignments for new joys and hopes.

The rest is easy

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