Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Just like a life-size mirror is needed to fight obesity, a spectacular opening of Pandora’s Box is required to figure out why over 100 free economies, despite all advancements, are still unable to navigate their missions to achieve better grassroots prosperity and match real growth with the hidden talents of the citizenry.

World Bank’s report, Business Ready 2024, is asignificant milestone. It not only guides the fast-moving forward economies but also sheds light on the challenges faced by the slow-moving backward economies. The World Bank’s unique role in identifying, isolating, and correcting the paths towards global economic growth is commendable.

The Pandora’s box is now open; the fears and trepidation mixed with goblins and flying objects must settle down to a reality test. Some bold, honest analysis is needed to reflect on the decades-long ‘middle-income’ entrapments and sufferings. So now big questions arise: Why have they been trapped for so long, and where are the answers?

Therefore, the concept of entrepreneurial mysticism, which refers to entrepreneurs’ innovative and risk-taking mindset, was introduced. This mindset has already begun to challenge traditional economic practices on a global scale. It has shifted the focus of economic debates from the confines of corporate offices to encourage out-of-the-box thinking, creating disruptions in established systems to challenge the long-held job-seeker mindsets that dominate global political economics.

The new world of growth: To grasp entrepreneurial narratives and weird and unexplainable innovative phases, critical is the study of widely separated mindsets during millennia in the world of commerce: the entrepreneurial job creator mindset, the academic job seeker mindset, and how and why job creator mindsets drive the world.

Study life before electricity, airlines,automobiles, credit cards, computers, franchises, mobile phones, or X. Who imagined the change? What created global transformations? What role did mindsets play? How have mindsets become a litmus test today? How did job-creating entrepreneurial minds bring mega-global shifts again and again? Where do they stand today? What will uplift our economic growth via innovative entrepreneurial mysticism? Why national mobilization of entrepreneurialism across 100 + free economies will solve the ‘middle-income trap’ and create new dynamics.

In the last century, there has never been such a global, high-level spotlight on the contrast between the grassroots prosperity struggles of ‘economic intellectualism’ as ‘explicit knowledge,’ something that can be written like economic theorems and challenged by the hidden assets offered by ‘entrepreneurial mysticism’ as ‘tacit knowledge,’ something that cannot be written like swimming or riding a bike.

The critical divide between the mindsets is that only the entrepreneurial job creator mindset starts with ideas turning into small and medium enterprises and growing them into Godzilla-size global operations. How do job seekers and career-minded entrepreneurs always help build such gigantic operations? Both mindsets are critical for real economic growth.

In today’s world, over 99% of most free economies are controlled by global political and economic forces with job-seeker mindsets. Proven over centuries, job seekers trying to create jobs to foster the economy are where ‘the greatest error of economics’ occurred since the failures of the ‘globalization’ frenzy. It is time to integrate and balance risk-taking and entrepreneurial job-creator mindsets with the primary goal of creating jobs to uplift economies.

Is the World Bank entering a new world?

AI will handle ‘administration of the world’ for job seeker mindsets with ‘Explicit’ Knowledge’:

Today, generally accepted, AI has become the prime dominant force in big and small administrations of simple and complex processing anywhere in the world, with its ability to provide instant and highly accurate performance. Hyper Speed with accuracy, mostly at 1% cost, will give wings to the global populace.

Entrepreneurialism will ‘grow global commerce’ for job creator mindsets with ‘Tacit Knowledge’:

In this scenario, entrepreneurialism, with its potential to innovate and adapt, remains the only untapped global power to drive international growth and create worldwide grassroots prosperity, especially in the context of AI’s transformative capabilities and opening of a new world. Entrepreneurialism-driven global trade and commerce will solve global job problems. Today, this is the only well-organized solution that exists.

The fear-based isolation of entrepreneurialism from economic academia is a critical point of contention. As 99% of economic development teams of such 100 free economies of the ‘middle-income’ entrapment are all job seeker mindsets, the need for a balanced mindset becomes even more crucial. Now publicly known and visible across digital and social media, primarily in LinkedIn profiles, it only takes a day to check any frontline teams of any free economies to verify such facts.

As we stand on the brink of a global realignment of productivity, performance, and profitability, the majority of our current models of education, jobs, productivity, and economic growth need critical repair. Century-old economic theorems, conventional wisdom, and modern strategies are no longer sufficient. The situation’s urgency demands immediate action in creating and implementing new, original, superior models.

Before the economic job-seeker mindset becomes globally associated as the root cause of the ‘middle-income trap’ on prosperous job creation, it is crucial to recognize the contributions of economic institutions and their guidance in fostering prosperity and growth. By highlighting these contributions through special events, authoritative content, and global streaming, the narrative will quickly shift away from the ‘trap’ and towards a more balanced and progressive economic mindset.

Global Economic Recovery & Digitized Fragmentization of Citizenry  

In the past 100 millennia, there were only two types of occupations: Hunter and Gatherer. Centuries ago, there were only farmhands and cowhands. Later, doctors and lawyers arrived, each being a simultaneous expert in 100 things of the day. We will come to the economists later.

Today, we are all marked, categorized, and expected to do just one thing but good enough to prove some progress. Now, there are 1000 different types of doctors and lawyers, each with unique skills, while other occupations have also improved in quality and splintered into hundreds of specializations in search of precise results and performances.

Fragmentization in the age of AI and global competitiveness clearly shows, for example, when a great mastery of making locks, combined with some outsider’s mastery of key-making, creates a super locking system with global demands. The international age of competitiveness is a harshly cruel space; unless there is mastery and collaborative forces, there will be no progress.

Why study China: For decades, to claim expertise a trip to a local Chinatown to dine on ‘chicken fried rice’ to measure Chinese performance levels no longer necessary. However, a ‘shock-therapy visit to China’ is required. Universities in the free world should teach advanced management on how to build a national economy with entrepreneurialism. China is the only prime-focused example available, and this class should be repeated for an entire year, underlining the depth of understanding required to acquire some level of mastery.

Citizens are no longer herds like it was a common term used at all the elite power-broker training schools, big-advertising sing-song books plotting market-share schemes manuals, treating national citizens like handling cattle in the barns, or all the Gallop polling experts helping politicians better understand their constituents by mastering herd-psychology and mob control.

Over the century, the skills of economic theorem and risk evaluation charts always were critically void of any creative out-of-the-box-crazy-sand-box dust-storms, like Silicon Valley, a mobile phone, neighbors driving you around as Uber, and renting their houses as Airbnb, now points very high-value skilled economists but with fear of crazy thinking, unthinkingly risking entrepreneurs with no theorem solving abilities.

AI will overtake all complex numerical and theorems for two reasons: first, it will be instant; second, variations will be instantly adjusted; and third, results will be globally delivered at 1% of the previous cost.

It has already happened before, when the entire productivity of tall skyscrapers filled with highly educated senior staff jammed on each floor was reduced to one single air-conditioned room primarily for 24x7x365 operation, giving three shifts of instant performance, now with 99% accuracy to allow entry to big-league functionalities at 1% of the previous costs.

Entrepreneurial mysticism openly invites economic intellectualism to become fearless and bring their economic thinking closer to sandbox storms of innovative ideas.

No economic study from any national or global institution fostering economic growth has yet examined how such critical skills divide, despite academic mastery when combined with differences of mindsets, directly impact economic growth. Flourish or destroy, as proven last century.

Expothon Worldwide is committed to advancing these discussions and pushing for global advancements to find collaborative solutions. For many years, Expothon, an international initiative from a Canadian think tank, has been providing exclusive insights on the ‘national mobilization of entrepreneurialism protocols’ developed over the last decade. These insights are shared on a weekly basis and reach approximately 2000 selected VIP recipients, who are national cabinet-level senior government officials across 100 free economies. This track record of expertise and trust forms the foundation of our proposed strategies.

The Global Hub: Expothon is currently in the process of developing a global hub that will provide high-level guidance to 100 selected free economies and blocs such as the GCC, OIC, European Union, African Union, ASEAN, The Commonwealth, and BRICS. This initiative aims to significantly enhance national entrepreneurship mobilization by offering customized deployment solutions specific to each nation. The fully equipped Global Hub will deploy 1000 experts with global digital accessibility to guide 50-100 countries in managing their national SME base, upskilling exporters, and reskilling manufacturers. This global shift towards new collaborative economic modeling will bring about a brighter future, where the benefits of entrepreneurial mysticism will once again help grassroots prosperity.

Warnings: The 4B Factor: Governments worldwide of free economies need to train their citizens to stand up to the global age of competitiveness, and as a result, they are now facing what is commonly referred to as the four-billion factor when a billion workers displaced due to the pandemic, another billion replaced due to automation, a billion are in the wrong jobs due to incorrect job titles, and now a billion are at risk of starvation due to the collapsing economies.

Middle-Income Trap: If national job creation is a worldwide challenge,why do 99% of job seekers’ mindsets economists run the economic development for the world on job creation?  

Next Global Financial Collapse: To highlight the need for constant vigilance, the global competency levels of the economic development teams across 100 free economies are struggling with little or no progress. The next global financial collapse, whether we are now in the perfect hour of war or peace, is not a predictable event but a lurking threat waiting for a clear day to emerge as a well-planned act. Like a real Pandora’s Box

The proof is required if ‘economic intellectualism’ with a job seeker mindset can come closer to out-of-the-box thinking in sandboxes with ‘entrepreneurial mysticism,’ the job creator mindset. How fast will open new advancements for both mindsets and reset economic growth on a grand scale

The rest is easy

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