Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A WOMAN has revealed that she hates the school holidays and feels like a maid on house arrest.

The mum-of-three explained that she can’t stand the “daily battle” of letting her kids use their iPads and finds it “so hard” to get them ready for a day out.

A mother has revealed that she feels like a 'maid on house arrest' during the school holidays


A mother has revealed that she feels like a ‘maid on house arrest’ during the school holidaysCredit: Getty
The mum-of-three explained that she can't stand the 'daily battle' of getting her kids out of the door, and claimed that it's 'so hard' keeping her youngsters entertained


The mum-of-three explained that she can’t stand the ‘daily battle’ of getting her kids out of the door, and claimed that it’s ‘so hard’ keeping her youngsters entertainedCredit: Getty

Sharing her struggles, the anonymous mother explained that she feels like she’s done a “day’s work” just getting her children out of the door.

Opening up about her situation, the stressed out mother took to social media, to share her feelings with others.

Posting on Reddit, on the am_i_being_unreasonable thread under the username @moofart, the anonymous woman explained her hatred for the six week holidays.

She titled her post ‘To hate the school summer holidays?’ and admitted: “I really, really wish I didn’t but I find it so hard. I have three children.”

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The burnt-out mother confirmed that her children are aged two, seven and ten, as she added: “Going out anywhere involves an hour of struggling to get their shoes on, to wash faces and get dressed. 

“I feel like I’ve done a day’s work just getting them out the door. 

“There’s a daily battle over them wanting iPads to watch teenagers on YouTube talking about Minecraft.”

The mother explained: “I’m trying to get them to go to the park for fresh air and nobody wants to. 

“I’m just a snack b***h and a maid. 

“I feel like I’m on house arrest.”

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Reddit users flocked to the comments to share their thoughts on the mother’s situation and many voted in a poll to reveal how they felt about her emotional post.

Whilst 59% voted ‘You are being unreasonable’, the remaining 41% voted ‘You are NOT being unreasonable’. 

How to survive six weeks of school summer holidays

IF you are struggling with the six week summer holidays, you’ve come to the right place…

BATTLING BOREDOM: Despite hours of activities and playdates, if your kids are already complaining there’s nothing to do, parenting expert Liat Hughes Joshi says: “Don’t feel you have to organise every second of the holidays. Kids benefit from boredom and learn to make their own fun.

“Boredom can trigger creative and imaginative play but you need to encourage kids to get used to not being told how to spend their time.

“Ride out the pleas of boredom. Counter it with comments such as, ‘What do you think you could do?’ and maybe have a list of ‘I’m bored’ activity ideas on the fridge.”

SCREEN OVERLOAD: It’s tempting during the holidays to rely on a digital babysitter but don’t let them gawp their whole summer away in front of a screen.

Liat says: “It’s unfair to expect older kids to power down but it’s important to set some ground rules.

“Set family tech rules together. If you’re often distracted by your phone, follow the rules too. Maybe tell the kids they aren’t allowed any screen time until they’ve done set chores, some exercise, or a board game.

“Are there times when you’d like to ban screens completely? Perhaps during dinner or when they have friends over to visit.

“Tech is a battleground for parents, but you have to set boundaries. Stand firm and be prepared to be unpopular.”

TOO MUCH TOGETHERNESS: You love your kids, but being with them 24/7 can be exhausting. Do not feel guilty if you need a bit of downtime.

Liat says: “If you’re juggling work and household tasks as well as occupying the kids, it’s normal to start feeling overwhelmed or jaded and in need of some peace.

“If you can’t afford or don’t want to send your kids to all-day camps, look for free kids’ workshops so you can get on with jobs or have a break for a couple of hours.

“Seeking a spell of quiet every now and then doesn’t make you a bad parent — in fact it will probably make you more positive and enthusiastic when you are with the kids.”

SCHEDULING CONFLICT: Schedules can go out the window during holidays, but late nights and early mornings can mean tired and unhappy children.

Dr Tamara Bugembe, paediatrician and founder of Helperbees.co.uk says: “Children get grumpy, test boundaries and become challenging when routines are broken.

“Sticking to some kind of routine during the holidays is a good idea.

“We release hormones at different times of the day and when regular meal times and bed times are broken, it causes dips and peaks in mood.

“Holidays are about having fun but an early night once or twice a week will make everyone happier.”

EXCESS ENERGY: Make sure kids get out in the fresh air to tire them out — and make them healthier and happier.

Dr Bugembe says: “Sunshine also tops up vital vitamin D levels which helps improve bone strength and energy levels in children. Our levels run low in winter so let the kids stock up in warmer weather.

“Letting them run around in shorts and a T-shirt is the best way to top up. Make sure they’re wearing sun cream, get outside and have fun.

“Encourage them to try healthy habits such as cycling and walking. They’ll hopefully get hooked and want to carry them on when the weather gets colder.”


One person said: “We put an all out ban on YouTube. They were not able to regulate their usage. Did this about a year ago. They have so much more interest in other things now and better behaviour. Worth a try?” 

Another added: “Sorry you feel like this. Do you have anything booked that will give you any ‘me’ time? If you could possibly schedule one thing a week that you look forward to it may help.

I feel your pain. I can’t wait for them to go back to school!

Reddit user

“Weather permitting, different playgrounds and picnics are helpful. Sometimes just let them have whatever toys they want at home and don’t worry about the state of the house. Easier said than done I know. Meet up with other friends too.”

Whilst a third user, another mum-of-three, commented: “I feel your pain. I do think it’s harder with more children than you have hands. I can’t wait for them to go back to school!” 

Tips for keeping organised during the summer holidays

IF you aren’t sure how to keep organised during the summer holidays, then you’ve come to the right place.

Senior Fabulous Writer, Sarah Bull, has shared her top tips…

FOOD: One thing I find difficult is keeping on top of my kids’ constant requests for snacks.
Despite the fact they have one break time at school and then lunch, their demands for food during school holidays seem to be 24/7.
To make things easier, I’ve decided to bring in snack baskets for them.
They each have a certain amount of food (the same so that there’s no arguments) and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Not only does it make my life easier, it teaches them that they have to spread things out – and to maybe see if the ‘hunger signals’ are actually ones of hunger or thirst.

ACTIVITIES: It can be hard to keep your kids entertained – and six weeks can feel like an awfully long time.
One thing to take advantage of is having an outside space. If you have a garden, you can put bikes or scooters in there, or even a trampoline.
It keeps them entertained and also makes sure they’re doing some kind of physical activity every day.
If you don’t have the space for a climbing frame or added activities, why not give the kids a bucket of chalk and get them to draw on the paving slabs?
Or another one I did was to give the kids a ‘magic solution’ I needed painted on the wall (it was just water and washing up liquid) to protect it. They spent a good hour doing that!

CLOTHES: One thing I’ve used from when my daughter, now six, started school is to use clothing drawers for her and my son, who’s 10.
On a Sunday, I put all of their clothes, underwear, socks etc in the corresponding drawer for the week.
Usually it’s uniform, but I still use the drawers during the holiday too.
It just makes things easier, more organised and less stressful – for all of us.

Following the response from Reddit users, the anonymous woman later wrote: “Thank you very much for your advice everyone. 

“I just managed to get them to the park and feel so much better.

Free summer holiday activites

You don’t need to spend a penny to keep your kids entertained this summer…

Museums – Some museums offer free entry to some exhibits, and also host events for kids.

Parks – Head to your local park to enjoy the playgrounds, games areas, courts and splash pads. Some even have trails for kids to enjoy.

Beach – It doesn’t have to be sunny to enjoy the beach, you can go rock pooling, crabbing, make sandcastles, or enjoy a walk along the headland.

Library – If the weather is awful, head indoors and borrow books, audiobooks, dvds.

Cooking – Have your own mini bake-off, or Come Dine With Me challenge.

Playdates – Invite friends over for an afternoon of socialising.

Boardgames – Enjoy a little sibling rivalry with rounds of Monopoly or stretch your brain with Scrabble.

“Yes I’d love to do a YouTube ban too. I guess I’m avoiding it a little as I know there will be meltdowns! 

“Yes, that’s a good idea to plan in some me time. I could escape on an evening occasionally. 

“I think it always feels easier when the weather is better as I can throw them in the garden!”

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