Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
Occasional Digest - a story for you

With 448.4 million inhabitants, the European Union is one of the regions with a high population density. This high population level makes Europe a very pluralistic region. This plurality can be seen from the ethnic, cultural and historical diversity of the European Union. 

High population levels make the dynamics of life in the European Union more complex. This cannot be denied. Many factors have caused the problems in the European Union to become more complex. Some of these factors are the very high population in Europe. 448.4 million people is a very impressive number. It is also in line with the many ethnicities that are in the European region.

Gender-based violence is one of the main problems in Europe. If we look back, the Covid 19 pandemic is one of the factors for the increase in gender-based violence. One form of the problem is domestic violence. The problem of gender-based violence is slow to be addressed also because of the inequality in the position of power. Women are still a minority in the existing government structure in Europe. As a result, gender-based violence is slow to be addressed. This is also in line with how much gender-based violence only occurs or is felt by women.

Gender-based violence is rooted in discrimination, stereotypes and social norms that discredit women. As a result, the level of gender-based violence increases every year. One example is reported by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) Greece to be one of the countries in the European Union occupying the lowest level of gender equality with a gender equality index score of 53.4 out of 100. It is reported that the level of domestic violence has increased significantly from 2020 by 3,683 cases.

Gender-based violence is a serious problem in Europe. This is because gender-based violence is an accumulation of problems that already exist in Europe. Gender-based violence exists because of the accumulation of discrimination, weak economic levels and the lack of a voice for the disadvantaged in the existing government structures in Europe.

“Gender Equality strategy 2020-2025” analysis of policy effectiveness compared to previous policies

Responding to the high number of cases of gender-based violence, the European Union through the European Commission issued a policy called the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. This policy is considered more comprehensive to solve the problem of gender-based violence in Europe. This is because the focus and objectives of this policy are more detailed to solve the problem of gender-based violence.

In solving the problem of gender-based violence, the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 policy focuses on achieving European gender equality by 2025. This policy combines mainstreaming and targeted actions. This combination is a comprehensive combination to do. When the focus is on targeted actions, linear actions can be taken. This can happen because before taking action, the policy will determine the targets for problem solving. This strategy can solve the root of the problem.

On the other hand, the European Union has implemented a similar policy which used to be called Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019. However, the focus of this policy is only at the level of promoting gender equality as the basis for policy making and implementation in the European Union.

The implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 also provides clear actions and achievements. Actions to be implemented through the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 will always be aligned with specific expected achievements. There are various positive effects resulting from the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 compared to the Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019. Through this implementation, we can see the latest information on the progress and achievements that have been made through the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. The Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019 does not provide specific actions and targets for the policy’s achievements. As a result, the policy feels floating and not on target in solving the problem of gender-based violence.

The Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 also has the advantage of a different policy scope from the Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019 which does not include international aspects. This policy includes international aspects as a driving factor in the success of the policy. International aspects are important because policies that involve international aspects will provide a greater impetus for successful problem solving. The problem of gender-based violence is not only a problem felt by one country or one region, but this problem is a global problem that must be resolved in a global way as well. empowering women globally is one form of action taken in the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.


The Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 is a very comprehensive policy because it presents a targeted approach and action. The existence of these two aspects is important because of the transparency of the progress of the policy to solve the problems faced. Through these targeted approaches and actions, the community can see what targets have been achieved.

Seen from various sides, the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 has a great opportunity to solve the problem of gender-based violence in Europe. This is seen from the fact that this policy has advantages in various aspects for a policy. This includes clear goals and actions from the policy. The clarity of action and goals is needed to create the right policy and touch the root of the problem. In the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, these goals and actions have been clearly outlined so that the policy can provide a clear picture of the future in solving the problem.

Transparency of implementation and specific actions provide clarity to a policy. The Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 is a policy that is transparent about how the policy will be implemented and provides clear actions. So that the policy does not feel gray due to unclear actions.

The policy scope offered by the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 provides great potential for policy success. The Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 emphasizes the involvement of international aspects in problem solving. This policy is based on the importance of international aspects as a supporting factor in policy success. This is directly proportional to the problems that are being faced and tried to be resolved. Gender-based violence is a very complex problem. To solve the problem also requires a comprehensive solution that resolves the problem from its roots. The Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 offers international participation in problem solving. As a result, actions can be taken globally and the scope of the problem will become broader and the results of the policy will also be broader.

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