Fri. Sep 27th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

United States President Joe Biden has unveiled one of the largest immigration regularisation programmes in recent history, offering a pathway to citizenship to hundreds of thousands of immigrants without legal status in the country.

The new measures, announced on Tuesday, will allow some undocumented spouses of US citizens to apply for permanent residence and eventually citizenship, without having to leave the country.

The move will affect more than 500,000 spouses of US citizens. About 50,000 noncitizen children under age 21 — whose parents are married to a US citizen — will also be eligible.

“Think about the stability this will bring to so many American families across the country,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in Tuesday’s news briefing. “These measures will help keep American families together and allow more young people to contribute to our economy and our country.”

Tuesday’s announcement comes as immigration continues to be a central — and divisive — issue in the lead-up to presidential elections in November.

Immigrant rights advocates reacted to the announcement by welcoming the new pathway to permanent residency. According to the White House, those eligible for the programme have been in the US for an average of 23 years.

“By providing this much-needed relief, the Administration has not only helped keep hundreds of thousands of families together, but also sent a clear and decisive message that immigrants are deeply rooted community members who help make America stronger,” Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center, said in a statement.

Matos added, however, that millions of people across the country are still waiting for a permanent solution to gain US citizenship.

“It’s well past time for Congress to get the job done and pass a pathway to citizenship,” she said.

Guidelines for the programme

To qualify for the spousal programme, an applicant must have lived in the US for 10 years as of Monday and be married to a US citizen.

If their application is approved, the applicant would have three years to apply for a green card and receive a temporary work permit, shielded from deportation in the meantime.

If they are granted a green card, they could eventually apply for US citizenship.

Senior administration officials said they anticipate the process will be open for applications by the end of the summer. Fees to apply have yet to be determined.

“These couples have been raising families, sending their kids to church and school, paying taxes, [and] contributing to our country,” Biden said at an event at the White House later on Tuesday of the new measures, which he described as a “common-sense fix”.

“This action is a better way. It doesn’t tear families apart,” he added.

The event marked the anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme.

Former President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Biden launched the DACA scheme in 2012, another major legalisation effort that currently grants deportation relief and work permits to 528,000 people brought to the US as children.

The Biden administration on Tuesday also announced guidance to make it easier for DACA recipients — known as Dreamers — to obtain skilled-work visas.

“I want those who have been educated at US colleges and universities to put their skills and knowledge to work here in America. I want to keep building the strongest economy in the world, with the best workforce in the world,” Biden said.


“This step builds on other action we’ve taken to support Dreamers, from defending [them] in the courts to expanding access to health care.”

A play for votes?

Immigration is set to be a key voting issue in November’s election: A poll earlier this year from the survey agency Gallup found that immigration had topped a list of key voter concerns, ahead of inflation and the economy.

Biden faces a close race against his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, who pursued a hardline, anti-immigration stance while in the White House.

Reporting from the White House on Tuesday afternoon, Al Jazeera’s Kimberly Halkett said the administration is hoping the measure is going to “translate into votes” come November.

“What the official line is, is that this is going to boost the economy, that this is going to help the labour market, this is going to promote family unity,” Halkett said.

“But what the White House is really hoping is this is going to boost Joe Biden’s approval ratings, which in many cases, on a range of issues are lagging behind his rival, former President Donald Trump.”

Gustavo Torres, executive director of immigrant rights group CASA, said Biden’s announcement would energise Latino communities to get out and support him in November. “This is what our communities have needed to rally behind President Biden for re-election,” he said.

Republicans, for their part, were quick to condemn Tuesday’s announcement, with Congressman Jim Jordan saying Biden was “planning amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already here”.

“Unbelievable,” Jordan wrote on social media.

Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign also accused the Democratic president of creating “another invitation for illegal immigration”.

“Biden only cares about one thing — power,” Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said.

“And that’s why he is giving mass amnesty and citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegals who he knows will ultimately vote for him and the open-border Democrat Party.”

Overlaps in policy

But some of the president’s critics, particularly in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, have expressed concern that Biden’s immigration policies might hew too closely to Trump’s.

Earlier this month, the Democratic president signed an executive order that clamped down on the right to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border, which saw a surge in unauthorised crossings last year.

The move drew criticism from human rights advocates, who accused Biden of cowing to pressure from Republican Party legislators who have blamed him for the situation at the country’s southern border.

Chelsea Sachau, the managing attorney for the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project’s Border Action Team, told Al Jazeera earlier this month that the asylum restrictions would lead to ever-more “dangerous circumstances”.

“People will grow ever more desperate,” Sachau said. “We’ve seen [with] other border policies that, when people are forced into desperate circumstances, they will be forced to make heart-wrenching decisions.”

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