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The Election-Shock-Therapy on Global Stage

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India, Europe, the UK, Iran, and the USA are the big-ticket game shows, so are the shocks?  

When openly visible that some 100 Free Economies of the World, Why are they mainly under the control of ‘Political Economy’? Why are their grand events all about miscalculations and void of entrepreneurialism? Why are their economic studies about grand abstract miscalculation rather than the historical reality of building superpower economies?  Why is endless printing of fake currency and blaming the rest of the world’s economies the only option left to most of them?

Political Economy is like ice hockey played on football fields without ice or hockey sticks but with tennis rackets under volleyball rules. This school of economics prefers a jambalaya approach to abstract notions for better results.

Now, it becomes crucial that we assess the top 100 major economic events across the free economies during the last year. Study the contents, check the profiles of speakers, and read the final deliberations. The future is about to score something, but in which direction and under what rules, like an abstract painting, just too abstract, without a canvas, painted but with no brush or paint, etc.

Political Economy is economic miscalculation: it involves taking economic numbering mixed with miscalculated ideologies, from climate change to social re-engineering and forecasting budgets, and creating new devices as new types of abstract currencies.

Political Economy uses urgency as its operational mode, Missing out on pragmatic and real-value-creation deployments.

Political Economy hides behind abstractness as the rule of engagement: When nothing adds up, nothing is solved, and nothing is gained, it leaves us with a void of practical solutions, providing only fresh rhetoric to sound critical.

Political Economy today not only influences but controls the political narrative, where the national Economy is the driver without any wheels or steering, indicating a critical need for the right mindsets.

Proof: Visible on LinkedIn around the world. The stark absence of any business creation, development, expansion, or entrepreneurial thinking raises serious doubts about the real contributions of the new ‘political economy doctrine.’

Observe the rise of the ‘commonality of problems’ across 100 countries and notice the availability of ‘commonality of solutions.’ Now, search for leadership capable of delivering such common solutions. Here, you will see how common sense flies out of the window as left are only the destructive forces, those stupid enough to ignore the value of nation-building but comfortable for publicly self-auctioned for loose change.

Nevertheless, no single country can ever solve all the global problems, even though one single country can cause all of the global problems.

For example, across the world, when corruption is openly hated, rejected, forbidden, and illegal in every country but openly practiced everywhere, it only proves its institutionalization. Unless economies become accountable for amounts and totals, nations are doomed. The election shock theory is based not on the candidates but on all candidates supporting the institutionalization of malpractices. Unlimited currency printing is open-proof.  

This is now proof that humankind’s problems require humankind’s solutions.

This tactical battlefield now calls for true leadership, real living warriors, not fake types hiding, narcissists always in front of the mirrors, or incompetents always surrounded by more incompetents to appear functional.

Technology companies run purely on digital-mechanical impulses and, in contrast to what it is like by physically driven human power and intelligence. Now, all this is morphing into managing national mental destruction by cultural manifestations to create radical divides as a way to manage selective survival.

The 2024 elections will prove how technology will drive the global populace to be controlled by digital fanaticism.  However, global opinion, having suffered great injustices, will respond accordingly.

Global Public Opinion is the next most enormous frontier requiring exceptional literacy levels to read and decipher. Notice how nations are pleasantly amused and intoxicated with the positive success of their national public opinion but still cannot answer why global opinion about them is just the opposite.

Fact: No other time in the history of humankind, today, the largest ever combined populace and ever so interconnected global opinion will hold responsible the so few, ever so disconnected with truth and reality and their corrupt minds, for bringing humankind so close to a nuclear dystopia. The five billion connected alpha dreamers are increasingly getting closer and closer on global issues, and the commonality of socio-economic and geo-political problems is becoming an open discussion.

The superpower world was not just born yesterday but millennia ago. Today, forced by critical choices of the national elections, some three billion people are facing to stand up to an upgraded revolution of minds.

Revolutions based on the weaponization of wars live on fear and brutality; they only close the minds of the populace.

Revolutions based on discovering the truth and dialogue move forward; they only open the minds of the populace.

Revolutions where the world brings us to some grand crossroads only upgrade the minds of the populace.

We are at a grand crossroads today, and the world is thinking.

Example: When in any country, there are no directional signs, no traffic lights, but when public confidence is already shattered on the ‘voting and electoral policies’ prolonged failures of institutions, Education is unproductive, and there is a lack of any clear national agenda on developing national citizenry first, the roads end democracies and openly lead towards restlessness of citizenry. Sometimes, there are only limitless highways: one for the fakery, the other for the truth. The shock comes.

National public opinion ends up being defeated on social media, and global public opinion measures it as a failure and a war of internal fakery. Hence, the election shock theory strikes sobriety and calls for emergency seeking humankind solutions.

Out goes the election agenda.

No single country can place its citizenry in a bottle. No single country can ever solve all the global problems, even though one single country can cause all of the global problems. It is time to put the genie of trouble in the bottle again. New econom9ic thinking must emerge. Entrepreneurialism must rise again. The Brief History of the Superpower Economies

The sudden creation and movements of the blocs are not some World Scout Jamboree; they are global mindset alignments geared towards finding humankind’s solutions to fix humankind’s problems. There is a dramatic shift from the decades-old doctrine of only seeking and destroying models, which now seems like a total failure. 

Will Global Blocs Unite? Will there be a global confederation movement? Can new and old blocks like the BRICS + Global South + ASEAN + OIC + G7 + G20 + African Union + European Commission + BRI, when combined in search of humankind solutions for humankind’s problems, create a new dawn?

What is not working, and who is stopping? Study more on Google.

The National Grassroots Prosperity is now National Grassroots fires

The Elections are only selections as cyclical makeovers

The Education is an unproductive loss and a liability

The Economy is broken from the outside, inside, and all around

The governments are silent and scared to open any candid debates

The Bureaucracies are afraid of and waiting for the wrath of AI

What is working?  Rationality has failed to solve the deep lingering problems for decades. Very little is working, very little is advancing, and very little is understood while only the restlessness rises.

Just try it: Today, digitization has made it possible to apply digital bleach and explore the openly accessible profiles and data on LinkedIn and Google; one can clearly understand the range of skills used and measure results and future progress across the 100-plus economies of the free world.

Watch, analyze, and choose— winners and losers, all lined up in their respective queues — you decide.

The rest is easy.

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