Perez vs Edwards – Round Two
Edwards looks like the better fighter on the feet through two rounds.
Perez pushes forward for a takedown but Edwards grabs her neck for a guillotine submission attempt but is unsuccessful.
Edwards takes Perez to the mat and racks up 3:00 of control time until a crucial mistake.
The match is stopped due to a headbutt from Edwards and each fighter begins the fight back on their feet.
Perez knocks Edwards down with a spinning back fist but doesn’t capitalize and is taken down and ends up on her back again.
Perez vs Edwards – Round One
Perez and Edwards throw some strikes but the fight quickly is taken to the ground.
Perez pins Edwards against the cage and successfully takes her down and tallies two takedowns early.
Not so fast though Edwards reverses the takedown and takes control halfway through the round!
Perez reverses the takedown back as each fighter ends up rolling around in the middle of the octagon.
Perez drags Edwards down for a third takedown and racks up 3:08 of control time as round one ends.
Next up Ailín Perez vs Joselyne Edwards
The two fighters previously got into an altercation and now will settle their bad blood with UFC-style rules.
Perez enters the bout with a 9-2 record and Edwards comes in with a 13-5 record.
This will be a three-round bantamweight fight.