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Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin pledge closer ties, discuss ‘political solution’ to war in Ukraine

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Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have condemned what they cast as increasingly aggressive US behaviour and pledged to deepen their countries’ already close defence and military ties.

In a snub to Washington, whose top diplomat flew into China last month to try to persuade Beijing to scale back its relationship with Moscow, Mr Xi signalled Beijing and Moscow saw eye to eye on a range of important issues, including on Ukraine, and would resist Western pressure to downgrade their ties.

“The China-Russia relationship today is hard-earned, and the two sides need to cherish and nurture it,” Mr Xi told Mr Putin at the meeting on Thursday.

“China is willing to … jointly achieve the development and rejuvenation of our respective countries, and work together to uphold fairness and justice in the world.”

A joint statement said both countries were opposed to a drawn-out conflict in Ukraine and spoke of concerns about what were described as US efforts to violate the strategic nuclear balance.

Mr Putin, on his first overseas trip since his inauguration this month for a new presidential term, described Moscow and Beijing’s cooperation in world affairs as one of the main stabilising factors in the international arena.

“Together we are defending the principles of justice and a democratic world order reflecting multipolar realities and based on international law,” Mr Putin told Mr Xi.

Mr Putin’s visit comes weeks after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken flew into China to raise concerns about what he said was China’s support for Russia’s military, and a day after he said Washington would continue to impose sanctions on Chinese companies supplying Russia’s defence sector.

Mr Blinken’s China trip appears to have been an unsuccessful attempt to undermine a “no-limits” partnership proclaimed when Mr Putin visited Beijing in February 2022, just days before he sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine triggering the deadliest land war in Europe since World War II.

Political settlement to Ukraine war the ‘right direction’

By picking China for his first foreign trip this term, Mr Putin is sending a message to the world about his priorities and the strength of his personal ties with Mr Xi.

Their joint statement spoke of plans to step up military ties and how defence cooperation between the two nations improved regional and global security.

It also condemned initiatives to seize assets and property of foreign states, a clear reference to Western moves to redirect the profits from frozen Russian assets or the assets themselves to help Ukraine.

Mr Xi said both sides agreed that a political settlement to the Ukraine crisis was the “right direction” and the joint statement said both countries were opposed to a drawn-out conflict in Ukraine and its possible transition to an uncontrollable phase.

Mr Putin, who arrived on Thursday for a two-day visit that will include talks on Ukraine, Asia, energy and trade, said he was grateful to China for trying to solve the Ukraine crisis, adding that he would brief Mr Xi on the situation there.

Russian forces are advancing on several fronts in Ukraine.

Describing his initial talks with Mr Xi as “warm and comradely”, he outlined sectors where the two countries were strengthening ties, from nuclear and energy cooperation to food supplies and Chinese car manufacturing in Russia.

Informal chats between the leaders and senior officials of both sides later on Thursday are expected to be key to the two-day trip.

Mr Putin’s newly appointed defence minister, Andrei Belousov, as well as Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu and Kremlin foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov will also attend, along with Russia’s most powerful CEOs.


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