Bolton called the comments a “clear disinformation effort,” by the Russian leader, “to give Trump the opportunity — which he is foolish enough to take — to say, well, I thought that was actually a compliment to me,” Bolton told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki.
“I mean, if Trump is elected there will be celebrations in the Kremlin, there’s no doubt about it, because Putin thinks that he is an easy mark,” he added.
Trump addressed Putin’s comment
during a South Carolina rally last week. “President Putin of Russia has just given me a great compliment, actually,” Trump told supporters, in reference to Putin’s stated preference for another Biden term.
The comments came after Trump earlier this month said he would encourage Russia to invade NATO allies who didn’t meet the alliance’s defense spending mandate. The former president has yet to address the death of Putin foe Alexei Navalny, which has been meant by widespread denunciations of Putin.