Thu. Jul 4th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

CHILDREN should be taught about white privilege while at school, a senior Labour figure says.

They should be given the chance to scrutinise our history, said Thangam Debbonaire, who insisted it would not be undermining Britain.

Thangam Debonnaire insisted that it would not be undermining Britain to allow children to scrutinise the nation's history1

Thangam Debonnaire insisted that it would not be undermining Britain to allow children to scrutinise the nation’s historyCredit: Supplied

The Shadow Culture Secretary said it was a good idea to study white privilege — seen as advantages held by white people in society — after charity Barnado’s published a guide for parents.

She told the BBC:  “We need education that allows children the opportunity to question, to ask difficult questions sometimes of our nation’s history.

“Are there things we regret? Are there even things that we’re sorry about?

“But also are there things we can learn so that we make a stronger, better country for the future?”

“That’s a strong country that’s able to look at itself.”

Tory MP Jonathan Gullis said in 2021 in a leaked recording that anyone using the term  should be reported to the authorities and labelled as an extremist.

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