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I was one of the Traitors – I tried to take out one of my own to save myself but it seriously backfired

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THIS season of The Traitors has seen several of the devious gameplayers serve each other up on a silver platter to the Faithfuls to make themselves look less suspicious.

But in a recent climactic round table scene, one of them decided he would not go down without a fight.

Paul pitted himself against Miles on a recent round tableCredit: BBC
But his fellow Traitor did not go down without a fightCredit: Eroteme


Miles suggested that Paul was a Traitor before being axed from the BBC showCredit: Eroteme

Miles was recruited by the Traitors at the beginning of season two, and managed to fly under the radar for most of the series.

He only started being suspected after the cloak-wearing group were tasked with ‘killing’ a Faithful by serving them a drink from a poisoned chalice.

Miles volunteered to do the dirty deed, as he regularly stood behind the bar serving drinks to cast members at night.

His deception led to the eviction of Diane – which he described as “heartbreaking”.

What Miles did not foresee was his fellow Traitor Paul attempting to throw him under the bus when people started speculating about who could have killed Diane.

In order to save his own skin and look like the good guy, Paul started pointing out that Miles had served Diane a drink the night she was poisoned.

After hearing this betrayal, Miles decided he had to have a showdown with Paul at the round table.

In an exclusive interview with the Sun, the veterinary nurse opened up about one of the most tense moments in the show so far, as both undercover Traitors tried to expose each other.

He shared: “I talked to the group as a collective and they said, ‘Well actually Paul is bringing this information.’

“I thought well how convenient. So I kind of thought to myself, it’s going to be against me and Paul.

Miles went on to say that although he came across as quiet on the TV show, in reality he was opinionated and always voiced his perspective to co-stars.

He added: “I knew it was going to be a tit for tat so I was prepared that I was going to go in there and there was going to be a bit of a stand off between me and him.

“I tried to do a bit of groundwork before we even got to the round table. It can be quite intimidating to know you’ve got all your friends start to look at you.

“It’s hard to deal with, because you know you’re going to have to go up against one another. He’s very articulate at the round table – as am I.

“It was a good stand off. We both gave each other heat. He felt the sweat as well.”

Although Paul was the reason Miles got evicted from the Traitors, the Worcestershire resident does not hold a grudge.

“He’s so jovial, he’s very charismatic and funny,” smiled Miles. “He’s hiding in plain sight.”

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