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Elections in Taiwan and its Regional and global repercussions

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From the Chinese perspective, the One-China principle forms the crux of their stance. Beijing sees Taiwan as an inseparable part of its sovereign territory, citing historical ties and cultural affinity. China emphasizes peaceful reunification and has advocated for the “One Country, Two Systems” framework, similar to the arrangement with Hong Kong and Macau. The intention, according to Chinese authorities, is to allow Taiwan to maintain a high degree of autonomy while being part of the broader Chinese nation.

Although China has emerged a global power and can solve the Taiwan issue by use of force very conveniently. But, it is against the Chinese traditions and practices to use force for resolving disputes. China shows maximum restrains and exercises strategic patience and give adequate time to reunification of Taiwan with Mainland China.

Prosperity of Hong Kong and Macao are the demonstrated examples of Chinese intensions of reunification. If Taiwan think wisely and act smartly, may negotiate even higher degree of autonomy, but, there is no option of independent Taiwan.

China has a very clear and straight forward policy of “One China” and any country wanted to establish formal diplomatic relations with China, must agree with One China policy. Even, the USA at the time of establishing diplomatic relations in the 1970s, has announced one China policy.

Recently, the US is deviating from its commitment and trying to exploit Taiwan issue to coerce China. As a matter of fact, the US is playing evil politics and using Taiwan issue as a tool to contain China. Taiwan card is used in its campaign against China, which aims to counter China, Contain China and resist the rise of China.

Any official contact with Taiwan is against the spirit of One China policy and clear violation of commitment made with China at the time of establishing formal diplomatic relation. The US is intentionally violating its commitment and maintaining direct contacts with Taiwan. Its officials are visiting Taiwan regularly, including United States politician Nancy Pelosi, while serving as the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, visited Taiwan on August 2, 2022. Her visit was condemned by China and many global leaders, even, within the US Government, some of the officials opposed it.

Taiwan is a very sensitive for China and entire nation is united on the reunification of Taiwan. All the Governments and leaders in China have identical approach toward Taiwan that is peaceful reunification. Although the recent meddling of US in Taiwan affairs is condemned by China and President Xi, who is strongest President in the world, with its full command over CPC as the Secretary-General and full command of Military, as the Chairman of Central Military Commission of China, has declared Taiwan as a Red-Line, and warned that no one should try to cross the red-line.

Elections held on 13 January 2024 (Saturday) in Taiwan, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), gained the highest votes and supposed to form its Government in May this year. In a tight three-way race, Lai Ching-te defeated Hou Yu-ih of the main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je of the upstart populist Taiwan People’s Party (TPP).

 A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Saturday commented on the outcomes of Taiwan leadership and legislature elections.

Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said the results reveal that the Democratic Progressive Party cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island.

Noting that Taiwan is China’s Taiwan, Chen said that the elections will not change the basic landscape and development trend of cross-Strait relations, will not alter the shared aspiration of compatriots across the Taiwan Strait to forge closer ties, and will not impede the inevitable trend of China’s reunification.

“Our stance on resolving the Taiwan question and realizing national reunification remains consistent, and our determination is as firm as rock,” Chen said.

“We will adhere to the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle and firmly oppose the separatist activities aimed at ‘Taiwan independence’ as well as foreign interference,” Chen said.

He said the mainland will work with relevant political parties, groups and people from various sectors in Taiwan to boost cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, enhance cross-Strait integrated development, jointly promote Chinese culture, and advance the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations as well as the cause of national reunification.

It is urged that the newly elected Government will respect the 1.4 billion Chinese in the main land and work for smooth reunification. It will ensure the prosperity of the masses in the Taiwan, and like people in Hong Kong and Macao, will enjoy the highest degree of autonomy. Reunification may benefits both sides. Be optimistic and keep on struggling with the high spirit. It desired that the new government will sense the polarity in the geopolitics and will cooperate in maintaining the regional and global peace, security and prosperity.   

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