One man shared a hack he came up with using science and logic to save money on energy bills.
Seeknay (@seeknay747) shared the video with his TikTok followers.
The engineer explained that as the weather gets colder, air also gets drier, which lowers its efficiency in terms of being heated.
As a direct effect of lower humidity in the air, it took more energy to heat.
“The heating elements in your house can also introduce dryness in the air and as that air becomes dry, it becomes less efficient to heat,” he said.
“You’re spending more on your heating bill trying to get your house warmer.”
To solve the problem, he used humidifiers to get the air humidity back into a normal range.
He also learned that humid air rises and that factors into which rooms in your house have more humidity on drier days.
People took to the comments to share their thoughts on his hack.
Many added that there were additional benefits to having humidifiers in the home.
“Humidity helps the room feel warmer and more comfortable as well,” said one commenter.
One viewer suggested placing a humidifier near a heater vent but the idea was shot down.
“I probably wouldn’t because I’d be concerned about moisture leading to mold growth anywhere in the ducts/appliance,” Seeknay explained.