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A MUM has blasted a school after it reportedly booted girls out of the classroom over the length of a uniform skirt.

Debbie Williams joined dozens of students outside Yate Academy in South Gloucestershire on Monday morning calling for the end of a “discriminatory” uniform rule.

Debbie Williams with daughter Ruby Miles, a Year 9 student3

Debbie Williams with daughter Ruby Miles, a Year 9 studentCredit: BPM
Students protested outside Yate Academy in South Gloucestershire on Monday morning3

Students protested outside Yate Academy in South Gloucestershire on Monday morningCredit: BPM
They called for the end of a 'discriminatory' uniform rule


They called for the end of a ‘discriminatory’ uniform ruleCredit: BPM

The protest comes after two pupils set up a petition alleging that restrictions to skirt lengths have “disrupted learning” and resulted in “undue stress and agitation among the student body”.

Debbie claimed her daughter Ruby Miles, a Year 9 student, has missed hours of lessons.

“The staff are not clear on their own rules. It’s horrible. I witnessed it myself,” she told BristolLive.

“It’s just objectifying these girls and the whole sexism thing comes in. It’s just not comfortable.

“I would not accept being treated like that walking into my workplace.”

Parents reported that the school locked the gates and their kids were not allowed to enter classes.

More than 900 people have signed the online petition since it went live last Wednesday and their goal is to reach 1,000 signatures.

The authors, who have kept their identities anonymous, wrote: “The recent enforcement of a policy dictating that skirts must touch the knee is both unnecessary and unfairly targets girls.

“This rule has been enforced with undue severity, resulting in disruption to the learning environment.

“Today, countless girls were removed from lessons for extended periods, solely to address skirt length discrepancies.

“This contradicts the school’s commitment to disruption-free learning and creates unnecessary discomfort and embarrassment for the affected students.

“These regulations not only disrupt the learning environment but also perpetuate objectification and gender-based discrimination.

“We really don’t need to be sexualising the inch above a girls’ knee.”

Pictures from the protest show pupils holding signs with messages such as “Our skirts should not be more important then our learning” and “Gender equality we are all equal”.

According to Yate Academy’s website, the school’s uniform supplier is listed as Monkhouse.

A document titled “Yate Academy Uniform Expectations 2023-2024 Final” gives instructions for each individual piece of uniform required by students.

Under the category of “skirts”, the document describes them as an “optional item”, red and navy tartan and says they are available in 22 or 24 inch lengths.

It confirms that they must be “on or below the knee… Not be rolled up or shortened”.

The Sun has approached Yate Academy for comment.

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