Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

The year 2024 brings forth a multitude of challenges, such as step-by-step fixing local economies, organizing national programs for up-skilling small and medium-sized enterprises, and finally, nationally mobilizing high-potential SMEs to uplift the national productivity and economy. The following are three fronts to uplift national economic development teams. When properly practiced, they have the potential to positively impact economic development and create exports and grassroots prosperity within the country.

Once frontline economic development teams are well informed about the latest national mobilization of SMEs, further oriented in recognizing special entrepreneurial skills, and regularly applying proven methodologies like well-practiced and controlled procedures to tackle the high volume to uplift the SME sectors across the nation, a new horizon of economic hope emerges.

The Deployment of Mental Industrialization: This involves developing the functional capability of the mind to understand the multidimensional aspects of high-potential SMEs. This understanding can lead to understanding the potential and enable SMEs to thrive on various digital platforms, like understanding how a car engine operates and maneuvering a car in heavy traffic jams, which can make one a skilled driver.

Once the super-complexity of SME growth patterns is simplified with practice, the hyper-speed of delivery of up-skilling applied in real-time, and how it manifests on the global digital platforms, a new level of exportability confidence emerges.

As the economic development themes coincide with business models and become superbly integrated between ‘positioning, quality, and delivery of promise, ‘ high efficiencies emerge to create performance and profitability. Understanding global age, speed, execution, and a deeper understanding of global markets and consumption needs allows new ideas and new-product manufacturing to provide further shine to economic progress. 

Eventually, the teams and programs function like a motherboard does to the complexities of a computer system and smoothly support a large operation around the clock.

Comprehension of ‘entrepreneurial mysticism’ is the most critically missing component of economic development. Anything less on SME growth on entrepreneurial performances will keep the pace of progress way below par.

The Deployment of Replicated-Mobilization: How can a national program uplift SMEs city-by-city and sector-by-sector in simultaneous synchronization? This feature of national mobilization of SME entrepreneurialism is often more prominent and dramatic than current routines of working with just one single bus-load of SMEs at a time, as it may take a century to transform national SMEs. Hence, such training is critical and essential before the launch of a national mandate. The replication of tested and proven models applied to each SME sector with selective digitization and placements on digital platforms with specific rules for up-skilling exporters and re-skilling manufacturers all come together. This stage is more advanced and demands unique orientations.

The Deployment of Performance Globalization:  When on the entrepreneurial chase in a maze of productivity, tested is performance and measured is profitability the single destination of targeting profit-centricity location point as victory gets reconciled to other points of critical issues as top priority and declared success; new thinking must emerge otherwise the tsunami of free technologies will drown everything. The sole measurement of business or economic smartness is not short-term profitability. Instead, long-term sustainability, harmony, and diversity are the ultimate goals. How will such thinking create harmony and improve performance? Intense orientation is needed to differentiate the various subtleties of design, price, global needs, and SME up-scaling to achieve critical mass.

Here are some critical strategies to harness the power of ‘national mobilization of entrepreneurialism and uplift the national SME sectors’ for creating real value economies. Such entrepreneurial-centric economies have previously led to economic growth and have consistently proven successful. A deep study is suggested.

National assets are often not hidden in horsepower or money but in the brainpower of the citizenry that needs optimization, fine-tuning, up-skilling, polishing, and re-skilling to create the ultimate power of national mobilization of entrepreneurialism, manifested in the high potential SMEs scattered across the country. Once the national citizenry stands up to the global age of competitiveness and is not hidden under the desk hoping the storm will be over.

The Key Formulas:
Job-Seeker Mindset + Job-Creator Mindset =
Entrepreneurial Economic Development = Entrepreneurial Economy

This thinking demands a meritocratic administration confident enough to undertake such tasks with great confidence. Typically, such ideas are only crushed by wrong mindsets that cannot see the significant future. Study deeply, as today there are three top forces within each nation, and managing such forces can alter the course of the country’s history.

ONE: Recognize the untapped entrepreneurial force living dormant and breathing under the radar amongst the nation’s abandoned oceans of SME sectors. Job creators and entrepreneurial mindsets are needed to decipher such challenges. Here are the timelines; when it takes a day to measure the mindsets and skills of economic teams of the nation, a week to formalize a digital plan to identify and categorize all the high-potential SMEs of the country, it takes 100 days to launch a national up-skilling program measure annually for the next coming years, so, identify, what is stopping it?

TWO: Recognize that women are the second missing wheel of the same economic cart, which calls for a new revolution to fit the current global age. Old models were not successful; this is outside of feminine issues, about empowerment and advanced skills where women play their lead role in economic growth. Where are the disconnected bodies and groups of talented women ready to mobilize and uplift the economy?

THREE: Recognize the national Diaspora as the most educated, qualified, experienced, and well-connected but often untapped, disconnected, abandoned, and scattered worldwide. Without a doubt, the national Diaspora of the majority of countries, when combined with talent, skills, and, most importantly, deliverable results with high integrity and global positioning, this forces is many times mightier than the current political and economic talent of the entire administration combined. Is this why Diaspora is repeatedly politically highlighted, but is it more like lip service rather than a global effort to tap into their global experiences and make the local economy shine?

Henceforth, confident, well-educated, internationally traveled, and experienced teams are qualified enough to harness these specialized challenges. Each country claims they are trying hard, just like attracting foreign investments with little or no results, because of decades behind in approach and needing more skills requirements.

Economic boost is often not about overflowing rivers of money but all about building an up-skilled citizenry capable of standing up to the global age of competitiveness. Study how once, an informal America created the world’s most prominent citizenry capable of nationally mobilizing entrepreneurialism out of the largest groups without any formal education, degrees, and certifications as they barely existed, and the lack of experience as there was no industrialization, but the drive, energy, and high productivity embedded in a moralistic, punctual, and responsible society determined to change and uplift the country. And did they ever achieve all that to change the face of Earth?

Centuries later, China practiced the same models and created superpower social entrepreneurialism, altering the course of global commerce. Do not forget to study India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and a dozen more population-rich nations.

SME Exports Up-skilling & SME Manufacturing Re-skilling

Why do governments fail to create armies of entrepreneurs but always successfully create real armies and combat soldiers? Simply because soldiers are trained by sleeping in the forests while digging trenches in the rain but not trained by running around in classrooms with water pistols or drawing pictures of tanks. This is why a nationally administered dedicated entrepreneurial mobilization agenda is essential to uplift the nation.

What defines SME success? Firstly, victory is only possible with a solid understanding of the entrepreneurial nature of the tactical battlefields. Secondly, an economic revolution is neither a number-crunching marathon nor a black-tie dinner of economic theorists. It is, in reality, a war where job creation and enterprise development forces meet at multiple crossroads to fight out red tape and create productivity to face the global age of competitiveness. Big and small maneuvers are planned to dive into tactical battlefields, each with well-trained entrepreneurial soldiers armed with enterprise creation experiences poised for high-quality productivity of goods and services.

Open challenge to current economic development models: Can a nation articulate the planning methodology of any national mobilization of SME entrepreneurialism? Can a nation present qualified frontline teams with enough SME creation experiences and proven entrepreneurialism to decipher all the above? Which nation can claim a national agenda designed and delivered to recognize and identify 25% to 50% of their small and medium enterprises and place them on some digital platform for increased global exposure and inactive global trading? Which nation can prove to have a system to uplift its SME sectors with courage and skills to face the global age of competitiveness? Is the country at least open and bold enough to recognize such deficiencies and be ready to up-skill its frontline teams to correctly aim and design the national agenda? SME is the hidden power of the nation: Audio

Expothon narrative:  Henry Ford neither invented the tire nor the car engine; he created the Assembly line. Expothon neither created the SME nor the exportability. It began advanced thinking on ‘national mobilization of entrepreneurialism’ as a highly streamlined, 24x7x365 simultaneous synchronization of the largest but most ignored national asset, now, a decade later, gaining global attention. Expothon has been sharing information weekly with some 2000 senior officials at the Cabinet level around 100 countries for the last 50 -100 weeks. Mastery of new entrepreneurial economic thinking is a new revolution on SME Mobilization. A global high level, virtual event series will further advance the agenda, debate and clarify and table turnkey mobilization options in the coming months. Study more on Google.

Understanding new entrepreneurial options for governments:

Allow micro-small-medium enterprises a tax-free window on the first few million in export revenues; this will create local jobs and bring foreign exchange. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free access to all dormant Intellectual Property. Allow academic Experts and Scientists on innovative technologies and related skills on free voucher programs. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free full-time MBA as 12-month interns so graduates can acquire real entrepreneurialism. Allow Millions of qualified entrepreneurs to land within a nation for 5-10 years under a special tax-free visa program. Allow the National Administration of Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism to be mandated to engage trade and export bodies.

The National Mobilization of SME Entrepreneurialism:

The Qualification Criteria:
Are there 5000-50,000 SMEs within a nation qualified for up-skilling for exportability?
Are vertical sectors ready for the mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms?
Are chambers and associations skilled enough in such SME uplifts and exportability?
Are there harmonious efforts to uplift women entrepreneurs on the national stage?
Are the frontline economic development teams up-skilled enough for such programs?

Are there special needs?
Most nations already have enough innovations but need more commercialization.
Most are overqualified in their crafts but need the image and the right business direction.
Most incubators need help and eventually become exhausted, like real estate projects.
Most economic programs are paper-flow issues without an entrepreneurial touch.

Are there wings of economies?
Fact: The world can easily absorb unlimited exportable ideas in unlimited vertical markets.
Fact: The well-designed innovative ideas are worthy of such additional quadrupled volumes.
Fact: A nation’s entrepreneurial and dormant talents are capable of such tasks.
Fact: The new global age skills, knowledge, and execution are now the missing links

The transformation timelines:
It takes ten days to establish policies to start an SME sector digitization program.
It takes 100 days to mobilize and place 1000 to 100,000 SMEs on digital platforms.
It takes 1000 days to have a bouncing economic development and global activities.

The mental preparedness timelines:
It takes 1000 days to become a top-class economic development game player.
It takes 100 days for deep immersion to become a champion of digital transformations.
It takes ten days of intense workshops to articulate such senior-level discussions.

A Cabinet level meeting is a good start.

The rest is easy

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