Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A DAUGHTER has been left in stitches, laughing about her mother’s online shopping fail.

Her mom purchased a product off of e-retailer Temu and immediately wanted her money back.

Chelsea is a 20-year-old digital content creator who posts lifestyle videos on TikTok4

Chelsea is a 20-year-old digital content creator who posts lifestyle videos on TikTokCredit: TikTok/ anonymousbarbi3
She detailed her mother's online shopping fail with a bad buy from Temu4

She detailed her mother’s online shopping fail with a bad buy from TemuCredit: TikTok/ anonymousbarbi3

Chelsea (@anonymousbarbi3), 20, filmed the product in a video posted to TikTok.

“My mom ordered a coffee cup off Temu and it came mini,” she said.

Chelsea revealed that her mother immediately reached out to customer service.

“[My mom] emailed them saying they ‘should be embarrassed for sending her a cup for a doll,'” she added.

The daughter revealed that the online shopping blunder was hilarious to her.

“I’ve been laughing for 20 minutes,” she said.

Chelsea also revealed that all was not lost for her mother and the unexpectedly tiny coffee cup.

“She got her money back,” she said.

The video drew in many viewers who weighed in on the shopping fail.

“Did you tell her it’s a champagne glass,” one wrote.

“I will definitely let her know,” Chelsea replied.

“Honestly love it though,” another added.

“No, me too. It’s so cute, she let me have it,” Chelsea wrote back to the viewer.

“This except my mom ordered a giant rug for a our living room and it turned out to be the size of a paper,” a third commented.

She revealed the tiny 'coffee cup,' which her mother purchased from Temu


She revealed the tiny ‘coffee cup,’ which her mother purchased from TemuCredit: TikTok/ anonymousbarbi3
After complaining to customer service, her mother got her money back


After complaining to customer service, her mother got her money backCredit: TikTok/ anonymousbarbi3

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