Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

TikTok poses a national security threat for the United States based on the app’s connection to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the highly advanced AI-based algorithm that conforms and shifts itself based on personal user data information. The China National Intelligence Act is a law that specifically states “every activity of individuals, companies, even organizations, must involve the State Intelligence Agency in carrying out its activities. With this Act, all people who occupy Chinese land, all their activities will be monitored by the State Intelligence Service” (Indrayani, I. et al., 2022). The large reach and hold that the TikTok app has on many Americans coupled with China’s surveillance abilities and wide access to user data poses a national security threat to various sectors of the US. Along with affecting the world’s leading superpower, TikTok also poses a threat to the international world order.

The different sectors that are directly and indirectly affected by TikTok’s national security threat are almost simultaneously connected. The sectors targeted include the economy, political influence, democratic electoral interference, and access to data. With the data that users voluntarily give to TikTok, “the aggregation of data has potential intelligence value, even if the collection is not focused on any specific target. It enables a foreign adversary like China to glean valuable information about patterns of behavior, interests, and predispositions that could, in turn, be used to inform future intelligence, cyber, and information operations and, potentially, to better train artificial intelligence algorithms” (Corn, G., et al., 2022). The risks also lie when we consider China’s ability to get one step closer in easily accessing the United States’ “national security secrets, core military capabilities or nuclear weapons, and sensitive technology” (Corn, G., et al., 2022). Sensitive technology includes attaining critical infrastructure information from an indirect avenue such as users who relate to civilians who work in government or a defense industrial base (Corn, G., et al., 2022).

When the economic sector of the US is being threatened by an adversarial state such as China, it directly attacks the national security of the US. Through access to personal and commercial data of its users, TikTok serves as the PRC’s industrial policy to surpass the US in commercial trade and technological innovation (Corn, G., et al., 2022). The huge waft of data sets that China gains through an app like TikTok serves as a way for them to make faster strides in Chinese technological companies around the world as well as AI tech development (Corn, G., et al., 2022). It is the accumulation of data sets on various sectors like these that can make China stronger economically and in cyberspace. Trade secrets being attained through TikTok are directly connected to China’s economic espionage efforts to steal intelligence and innovative ideas from the US to get ahead in the race.

Another worrisome aspect for policymakers and US officials includes the odd phenomenon of many Americans consuming their daily news through TikTok. Kilcullen’s (2023) model can help explain what national security threat this creates for the US. According to Waters, “a population generally gets information from one of three sources: observation, authority, and belief…Kilcullen’s model explains how the Taliban manipulated observation and belief in Afghanistan to marginalize government authority”. The comparative analysis of the Taliban’s takeover with TikTok is quite interesting and alarming. The root of both case studies is that influence can destroy a nation. American and European authorities have already been concerned over political influence from foreign actors interfering with fair elections. The continuation of TikTok posing as a strong yet unconscious influence over Americans threatens the US’ democratic elections as well as its sovereignty.

When these various sectors of the US are attacked, it has a direct impact on the national security of the country. With access to data, personal information and behavioral patterns are at the dispense of China’s volition.  When the economic sector is left vulnerable to espionage attempts from China, it has a direct impact on the national security of the US. China makes up 90% of economic espionage attempts against the US, indicating that China is continuously trying to gain trade secrets and innovative ideas from the US. On a capitalistic world economy, innovation and trade secrets becomes critical intelligence for the CCP on how to undercut the US.

Democracy is at the center of what the US stands for, especially in the international order. Two major aspects that affect democracy in the US are American political influence and fair elections. TikTok has been alleged to show biased political views to its media users based on their algorithm. Coupled with streamlined content, TikTok has also been alleged to censor certain content to prevent media users from being exposed to certain political conversations. TikTok is comparable to the influence that Facebook had during midterm elections in the 2008 elections and the 2016 elections. The specific concern derives from the “influence of foreign governments over digital communications platforms like TikTok, where 30 percent of people under the age of thirty get their news, can influence everything from perceptions about international events to domestic elections” (Kokas, 2022). China can reshape the worldview of its users through the content it displays or censors having a direct impact on US democracy.

On the international scale, China has the intent and capability to change the world order where all the international norms and democratic efforts become non-existent. China prioritizes an Authoritarian-style government, excessive censorship, and surveillance of their citizens (and non-citizens).  This affects the international allied partners of the US because the spread of misinformation through TikTok undermines national US interests which weakens the world leader’s legitimacy. Allies are directly affected through unconventional cyberspace attacks to their critical infrastructure to weaken the support system of the US (US Department of Defense, 2023).

In conclusion, TikTok’s national security threat to the United States is multifaceted, encompassing concerns related to the Chinese Communist Party’s influence, advanced AI algorithms, and its impact on various sectors. The China National Intelligence Act, coupled with TikTok’s vast user reach, raises significant apprehensions about surveillance and data access. These issues highlight the interconnectedness of economic, political, and democratic facets, emphasizing how TikTok’s influence can compromise the any nation’s security. The potential manipulation of information, political bias, and censorship on TikTok poses a direct threat to democratic values and fair elections. The international dimension stresses China’s intent to reshape the world order, impacting the credibility of U.S. leadership and posing risks to allied partners. Policymakers must address these concerns to safeguard national security and democratic principles.

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