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We don’t have a favourite child but we do have a least favourite, admit parents

Occasional Digest - a story for you

PARENTS across the United Kingdom have confirmed that, while picking a favourite child might be impossible, choosing their least favourite is easy. 

Having long maintained that they love them all equally, those with multiple children have finally admitted that there is always one who they think is a bit of a prick. 

Father-of-three Dave, not his real name, said: “I have two children in university, one studying law, the other medicine. They both take summer jobs each year to help me cover the cost of their tuition. They are a credit to me and their mother. 

“But my youngest child, Caden, spends all day in his room playing Fortnite, yelling into his headset to call some teenager in Serbia an ‘uber-wanker’. We really should have listened to everyone who told us to stop at two.” 

Mum Inge, not her real name, said: “All three of my children bring me immense joy. But only one of them regularly rings me at 2am to come and collect him from a club because he’s been sick and lost his wallet. 

“Put it this way: if ever I was in some terrible Sophie’s Choice-style scenario, I don’t think it would cause me quite as much anguish as it did Meryl Streep.” 

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