Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker (Round Ten)
With each round that goes by, more pressure is on Wilder.
He is more than capable of that one shot that could end this.
Wilder catches Parker with a big hook, it’s blocked but Parker still felt it.
Parker needs to keep letting his hands go or he allows Wilder to work a position for that big right.
As Wilder comes in with that big right, Parker manages to get underneath it.
Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker (Round Nine)
That last round was the best of the night.
Parker really hurt Wilder and catches him with punches again.
Wilder has no reply and these punches are hurting him.
This is not what anyone was expecting from this fight tonight.
Parker is controlling this fight.
Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker (Round Eight)
The problem Wilder has now is that Parker could lose the rest of the rounds left and still win this fight.
All he needs to look out for is being hit with that big Wilder right.
In reality, that is all Wilder has now to win this fight.
The danger is the rounds are running out for Deontay Wilder.
When he does come through and land, Parker counters and hits him with a big shot too.
Towards the end of the round, Parker lands punch after punch and has Wilder in the corner, his legs are gone.
The bell saves him on this occasion.
Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker (Round Seven)
Due to his size, when Parker comes inside he gets Wilder all wrapped up on the ropes.
Wilder needs space to get those long arms mobile.
It ‘s a good tactic by Parker is certainly working so far.
Wilder comes in and goes with the big right but it goes straight over the top of Parker.
That was more like the Deontay Wilder we are used to.
Parker then lands a big right and Wilder stumbles back a little bit.
Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker (Round Six)
The message from Parker’s corner must be to keep doing what you are.
Wilder is banking on getting something special to win this.
Parker meanwhile, is landing some good combos.
The fans ringside are loving it when Parker opens up and comes inside to force Wilder back onto the ropes.
He is trying throw an overhand right and it is getting closer to connecting with Wilder.
The more he hits Wilder, he goes a bit reckless on the counter.
Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker (Round Five)
The pundits have this four rounds to none for Parker.
He comes forward again and lands punches as Wilder is forced on the backfoot.
This waiting game of Wilder’s is not working and just allowing Parker to dictate this fight.
Parker continues to land the shots, all scoring on the card.
Wilder is only looking for a knockout here and is definitely not concerning himself with all these rounds he is losing.