Sat. Jun 29th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

AS the year comes to an end, our brains are slowly turning into mush – a brainteaser is a perfect way to keep it sharp.

See if you can find the subtle six differences in the picture and you’ll prove your brain is finishing the year and heading into Christmas as sharp as a tack.

There are six images between the two differences7

There are six images between the two differencesCredit: Igor Zakowski |

Finding a couple is easy, but getting all six will push your brain to really concentrate – which could be difficult to do at the end of the work day.

The rustic cartoon shows four different types of anthropomorphic vehicles on a farm which are smiling at the viewer.

There are two frames, which in a quick glance look to be exactly the same image.

But, upon closer inspection, there are small differences between the two scenes that have been cleverly hidden in plain site.

Found all of them yet?

If not try and focus on the individual elements in the picture and have a proper search as all six are in there.

The artist has made this one difficult to solve, despite there only being six differences.

Working your way through the brainteaser could sharpen your noggin just as you need it most.

Psychologists at The University of Glasgow found that staring at a brainteaser can actually drastically improve eye sight as frequent puzzle players can see small print with greater ease.

And according to ZenBuisness: “These visual puzzles can give you a good mental workout that can, in turn, help you think more efficiently and solve problems more easily.”

Optical illusions are widely regarded to help improve our attention spans, concentration, and overall cognitive function.

Brainteasers where you have to find an image within an image aids your brain’s ability to interpret ambiguity.

In this particular piece, people with a high visual IQ should be able to find the first few differences in seconds and then quickly spot a couple more.

But it’s the final two or three things that are almost impossible as you feel as though you’ve looked everywhere already.

Many will end up looking for ages or they’ll never reach the annoying solution at all.

A top tip is to look through the trickery and stay focused on the slight giveaways in the image as they’ll be where the changes are.

If you want a big clue, then I would take a good hard look at the green tractor.

If you want a huge clue, then take a look at the back of the purple car.

If you still can’t find the whole set of differences, scroll down to reveal the solution below.

  1. A blue line on the lorry’s side has disappeared
  2. A rock has appeared in front of the yellow digger
  3. The lorry has closed its eyes
  4. The green tractor has lost its exhaust
  5. The green tractor’s front left light has been smashed
  6. The maroon car now has its tray covered

If you enjoyed this challenge, why not try another one of our Christmas crackers?

Try and find the 10 Christmas terms in this picture and you’ll prove why you’d make a great elf and be Santa’s best little helper this winter.

But be warned getting all s is very hard.

Spot the differences with cars and vehicles


Spot the differences with cars and vehiclesCredit: Igor Zakowski |
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There is one hidden red car in this image
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There are 10 hidden differences between the two images
The red car has been highlighted in this solve


The red car has been highlighted in this solve
The 10 differences between the image have been selected


The 10 differences between the image have been selected
There's one thing not quite right in this seemingly normal car image - can you work out what it is? The motors are all the same size


There’s one thing not quite right in this seemingly normal car image – can you work out what it is? The motors are all the same sizeCredit: Beatonthebeeb

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