Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Only 66 per cent of those living in Wales are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex, according to a new report from Stonewall Cymru.

The Rainbow Cymru Report, published in December, used data and statistics from the 2021 England and Wales Census, as well as an Opinium poll of adults across the UK and a series of three Ipsos UK polls of adults across Great Britain.

Findings concluded that Wales is more diverse than ever.

Individuals aged under 35 are more likely to identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Approximately 6.1 per cent of those aged 25 to 34 identified as LGBTQIA+ compared to 3.6 per cent of 35 to 45 year olds.

Stonewall cymru cited the reason for the generational division as the abolishment of Section 28 in England and Wales through the Local Government Act 2003.

The legislation prohibited educational settings and local authorities from ‘promoting homosexuality’.

The research went further to “look beyond the label” where participants were asked, “Which, if any, of the following, best describes how you think of your sexual orientation?”

Respondents had the choice to answer nine different answers and only 66 per cent of people in Wales said they are only attracted to the opposite sex.

Of the remaining 34 per cent, just 9 per cent of respondents said they are attracted exclusively to the same sex, while 3 per cent said mostly the same sex, 6 per cent both sexes and 16 per cent mostly the opposite sex.

This means that 34 percent of Wales is in fact queer.

The report additionally explored public perceptions of the community.

Just 45 per cent of the public respect lesbians in comparison to only 37 per cent respecting trans people.

In contrast, 28 per cent of the public admire trans people in comparison to 19 per cent of bi people.

Davinia Green, Director of Stonewall Cymru, said: “It is very positive to see such strong data coming from Wales which shows that it is steadily becoming easier for LGBTQ+ people to express themselves freely.

“While public support for the LGBTQ+ members of our communities is on the rise, we must not be complacent.”

Green added: “Fantastic strides are being made within our communities and through Welsh Government work such as the LGBTQ+ Action Plan, but we must continue to work together to combat prejudice and hate.

“We hope that this report can be one resource to help people on their inclusion journey, and something that all in Wales can take pride in as evidence that we are becoming a Rainbow Nation.”

Read the full report here.

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