Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A TEENAGER collapsed and died from eating berries on a walk with his dad.

Benn Curran-Nicholls, 14, was poisoned by the leaves and fruit from a yew.

Benn Curran-Nicholls was poisoned by the leaves and fruit from a yew at Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury, Manchester1

Benn Curran-Nicholls was poisoned by the leaves and fruit from a yew at Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury, ManchesterCredit: MEN Media

The schoolboy, who was severely autistic, was found slumped at home that evening with his eyes rolling around his head.

Despite hours of treatment in hospital he died from heart failure.

His death has now prompted a warning from a coroner about the dangers of yew berries.

Andrew Bridgman said: “Berries and the like might be attractive to young children who would not recognise the dangers and risks.”

Benn had just moved from Australia to Manchester when he went for his daily walk in Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury, on September 18 last year.

He loved to climb trees — but his dad was not aware of the danger from yews and there were no warning signs.

Toxicology tests confirmed yew poisoning as the cause of his death.

After the tragedy, health and council officials discussed putting signs in the park but feared it could lead to suicidal people eating yew berries.

But in his ruling, Mr Bridgman urged a re-think.

The coroner said: “The decision was not properly and fully thought through.”

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