Mon. Jul 1st, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

North Korea said it would consider any interference with its satellite operations a declaration of war and would mobilise its war deterrence if any attack against its strategic assets were imminent.

Pyongyang would respond to any US interference in space by eliminating the viability of US spy satellites, state media KCNA reported, citing a statement from North Korea’s defence ministry spokesperson.

“In case the US tries to violate the legitimate territory of a sovereign state by weaponising the latest technologies illegally and unjustly, the DPRK will consider taking responsive action measures for self-defence to undermine or destroy the viability of the US spy satellites,” the statement said.

DPRK are the initials of the North’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

North Korea says it successfully launched its first military spy satellite on November 21, transmitting photos of military installations in the US mainland, Japan and the US territory of Guam.

Kim Jong-un with a big smile on his face sits at a desk with a globe while flanked by two other officials
North Korea successfully launched its first spy satellite, which reportedly sent photos of military bases in US, Japan and Guam. (KCNA via Reuters, file)

A US Space Command spokesman, when asked if Washington had the capability to interrupt the North Korean satellite’s reconnaissance operations, said the US could deny an adversary’s space capabilities using a variety of means, according to US broadcaster RFA.

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