Mon. Jul 1st, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Two new deals have been signed between the federal government and major gas exporters aimed at shoring up Australia’s gas supplies.

But the government is facing a political challenge to its new mandatory gas code of conduct, which underpins the new deal, as the Greens move to abolish the code.

The new deals will see gas producers Senex and Australia Pacific LNG commit up to 300 petajoules (PJ) of gas to the Australian market through to 2030.

The government estimates 300PJ could supply east coast industrial gas users for two years.

The Australian Energy Market Operator and the ACCC have warned of gas shortfalls in coming years, with supply falling faster than projected demand.

The AEMO has previously suggested that without new domestic supplies opening up, gas currently set aside for export may be required in the domestic market.

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