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Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., said Saturday he expects to be expelled by the House of Representatives and went on to lambaste his colleagues. File Photo by Louis Lanzano/UPI

1 of 5 | Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., said Saturday he expects to be expelled by the House of Representatives and went on to lambaste his colleagues. File Photo by Louis Lanzano/UPI | License Photo

Nov. 25 (UPI) — Disgraced New York Rep. George Santos on Saturday lambasted fellow members of Congress on social media ahead of his likely expulsion from the House of Representatives.

The beleaguered Republican stood firm in his assertions that numerous allegations against him are a “political opposition hit piece” and chastised his Capitol Hill colleagues “who are more worried about getting drunk every night.”

Santos, on an X Space hosted by media personality Monica Matthews, said he expects to be ejected when the House votes on an expulsion resolution filed by Ethics Committee Chairman Michael Guest, R-Miss.

The committee issued a blistering report last week finding “substantial evidence” that Santos embezzled money from his campaign for personal use and deceived donors.

Committee members referred their findings to the Department of Justice for possible new charges atop the 23 federal criminal charges he already faces.

An unrepentant Santos on Saturday said he would treat expulsion as a “badge of honor.”

“I don’t care. You want to expel me? I’ll wear it like a badge of honor,” he said. “I’ll be the sixth expelled member of Congress in the history of Congress. And guess what? I’ll be the only one expelled without a conviction.”

Santos argued he was denied due process and said the House ethics report was flawed.

“This report is an affront against my rights and it should worry each and every single one of you guys who are listening, because if you were in the same position fighting for your life and something like this came out against you, you would have a tainted jury pool and you would never have a chance at a fair trial,” he said.

At one point, he said Guest needs to “stop being a p***y” and call a vote on his expulsion resolution. He also accused Congress of having “felons galore,” saying, “This s*** happens every single week. Where are the ethics investigations?”

Among committee’s findings was evidence that Santos repaid himself for non-existent loans to his campaign and that he had illegally spent his donors’ money on botox treatments, spa services, personal travel and lodging and a pornographic website.

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