Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

 It’s not very often we see a bill marched through parliament at such a pace as this week.

After being caught on the hop by the High Court, the government has brought in emergency legislation to strengthen its powers to control more than 80 people, some of them serious criminals, it has been forced to release from immigration detention. The bill was introduced in the lower house on Thursday morning and was set to pass Thursday night.

Those of an irreverent turn of mind might recall Scott Morrison’s Great Strawberry Crisis of September 2018, when a bill was also raced through in a day.

Both the strawberry bill and this one were enacted in the name of “keeping the community safe”.

The strawberry exercise, following the discovery of needles in some fruit, was an obvious political stunt. This week’s legislation goes to a serious matter, although there’s dispute about the threat to community safety, given the risks posed by these people aren’t greater than those presented by local criminals who leave jail. The difference is these are non citizens.

The High Court isn’t usually front and centre in politics. But when it is, it can land sharp punches that throw governments off balance.


A robust response needed

The Albanese government always knew the court might rule, as it did last week, that people can’t be held indefinitely in immigration detention. But on the basis of its past record, the odds seemed against it doing so.

The Coalition says the government failed to take into account a hint months ago from one judge. Certainly the government wasn’t as prepared as it should have been when the decision came.

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