Sat. Jun 29th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A HOME expert has shared three simple hacks to stop spiders coming into your home, for good.

So if you’re not a fan of creepy crawlies and are fed up of being freaked out by spiders appearing around your home, you’ll want to listen up.

If you are fed up with spiders crawling around your home, you'll need to listen up4

If you are fed up with spiders crawling around your home, you’ll need to listen up
Here, a cleaning pro has revealed three super simple hacks that will deter spiders from entering your home4

Here, a cleaning pro has revealed three super simple hacks that will deter spiders from entering your homeCredit: TikTok/purdyandfigg

According to a cleaning expert at Purdy & Figg, there’s three quick and easy things that you can do that will put a stop to spiders.

From a £2.49 buy from Amazon, to a free hack that you must try, if spiders freak you out, it’s time to take notes.

Sharing the advice on social media, the cleaning pro said: “My household are petrified of spiders, so we always add peppermint oil to cotton wool pads and wipe over entryways as they hate the smell.”

If you want to give this hack a try, you can buy peppermint oil from a number of different supermarkets and high-street stores.

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If you’re on a budget, you can nab a bottle for as cheap as £2.49 on Amazon.

Not only is peppermint oil great for getting rid of pesky spiders, but this cleaning whizz also swore by another hack. And luckily for you, it’s totally free.

So if you haven’t had a good clear out for a while, you’ll need to pay attention.

The social media user shared: “We also make sure we’re regularly decluttering storage areas to minimise places for them to hide and always keeping it clean.”

As well as this, if your garden is a mess, it turns out that this can cause spiders to enter your home. 

The TikToker then claimed: “We trim back any vegetation near the perimeter of the house as spiders use them as pathways indoors.”

The clip, which was posted under the username @purdyandfigg, has clearly left many stunned, as it has quickly amassed 16,000 views.

However, much to the cleaning fan’s surprise, many people took to the comments to share their thoughts on spiders.

One person said: “Love spiders.”

Another added: “Spiders are ok. I leave them be.”

A third commented: “No! Then you get dirty flies as there’s no spiders to eat them.” 

In response, the cleaning whizz later wrote: “Some people are scared, so this is for them.”

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The cleaning whizz explained the importance of keeping your home decluttered and clean


The cleaning whizz explained the importance of keeping your home decluttered and cleanCredit: TikTok/purdyandfigg
She also advised people to trim down any vegetation near the perimeter of the house


She also advised people to trim down any vegetation near the perimeter of the houseCredit: TikTok/purdyandfigg

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