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Pentagon releases footage of hundreds of aircraft intercepts by Chinese planes

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New footage released by the Pentagon shows some of the more than 180 intercepts of United States warplanes by Chinese aircraft that have occurred in the last two years.

US military officials say it is more than the total amount of intercepts over the previous decade, calling it part of a concerning trend.

The photos and video were released in advance of a soon-to-be-issued annual report by the Pentagon on China’s military power and the security threats it may pose to partners in the Indo-Pacific.

The Pentagon has tried for years to posture itself to be ready for a potential conflict with China over Taiwan even as it now finds itself supporting allies in two hot wars, Ukraine in Europe and Israel in the Middle East.

Admiral John Acquilino, head of US Indo-Pacific Command, said at a Pentagon press briefing on Tuesday that despite the US surging carrier strike groups and amphibious ships to support Israel, and now almost 20 months of war in Ukraine, the command has what it needs to deter China.

“I haven’t had one piece of equipment or force structure depart” his command, he said, referring to ships, aircraft and military units.

“We have been taking a number of steps to strengthen our commitment to the region, strengthen our deterrence in the region and we will continue to do that.”

The officials said the Chinese flights were risky and aggressive in nature, but stopped short of calling most of them unsafe — a specific term that is used only in the most egregious cases.

The Pentagon dated this intercept of a US warplane by Chinese aircraft in the Pacific Ocean as taking place on June 8, 2022. (AP: Department of Defense)

Still, the officials said it was important to release the footage and call out the behaviour because they said it was part of a larger trend of regional intimidation by China that could accidentally lead to conflict.

“All of these examples we’ve released today underscore the coercive intent of [China] by engaging in behaviours particularly in international airspace,” said Ely Ratner, assistant secretary of defence for Indo-Pacific security affairs.

“The bottom line is that in many cases, this type of operational behaviour can cause active and dangerous accidents” and can lead inadvertently to conflict.”

This image shows an intercept of a US warplane by Chinese aircraft in the Pacific Ocean on May 24, 2022. (AP: US Department of Defense)


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