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Britain's defense ministry on Wednesday signed a contract for MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin platforms that will be used in the Ukraine war theater. Photo courtesy of Britain's Ministry of Defense

Britain’s defense ministry on Wednesday signed a contract for MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin platforms that will be used in the Ukraine war theater. Photo courtesy of Britain’s Ministry of Defense

Oct. 11 (UPI) — Britain and several European allies on Wednesday unveiled a new security package for Ukraine worth more than $122 million to aid Kyiv’s military in clearing mines, maintaining vehicles and fortifying defense capabilities.

The package includes equipment to help Ukrainian soldiers cross minefields and bridge rivers and trenches. It will also ship to Kyiv heavy-duty plant vehicles to destroy Russia’s non-explosive obstacles, Britain’s defense ministry said.

The assistance is to be covered with money from the International Fund for Ukraine, a mechanism that uses financial contributions from Britain, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and Lithuania to arm Ukraine in its war against Russia.

The announcement also coincided with Britain’s signing of a contract worth some $86 million for air defense capabilities as part of a previously announced IFU package.

The contract includes the MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin, a drone tracking-and-destroying platform British officials said will protect Ukraine’s critical infrastructure.

“Today, I am proud to announce that the UK, alongside our allies, is delivering on that promise with new contracts to provide Ukraine with critical air defense systems to protect civilians from [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s barbaric bombing campaign, and more than £100 million of new equipment pledged to give Ukrainian soldiers what they need to breach Russia’s deadly minefields,” Britain’s Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said in a statement.

With the package, the IFU has raised more than $964 million to fill Kyiv’s armory.

The announcement comes as funding from Ukraine’s largest backer, the United States, might be at jeopardy as money for Kyiv presented an obstacle early this month to pass crucial funding to prevent a government shutdown.

Democrats tried to pass funds for Kyiv in the legislation, but the money was ultimately pulled in order to have the bill approved.

Biden administration officials have warned that Congressionally approved funds for Ukraine were dwindling and would soon be sapped unless lawmakers act.

However, the announcement was made ahead of the U.S.-organized Ukraine Defense Contract Group meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday when further assistance for Kyiv will be discussed and potentially announced.

“This winter, Russia will seek to undermine the morale of the Ukrainian people and divide the international community, but in both cases Putin underestimates the strength and resilience of his opposition,” Adm. Sir Tony Radakin, chief of Britain’s defense staff, said in a statement.

“If we stick together, and stay the course, then Russia will continue to lose, Ukraine will prevail and the rules that matter to global security will endure.”

The announcement came on the heels of Germany on Tuesday unveiling a “winter package” of weaponry for Ukraine valued at $1.1 billion.

It includes an additional Patriot air defense missile system and an additional IRIS-T system, among other weaponry.

Berlin also said another 10 Leopard tanks it has committed to Ukraine will be delivered in the next few weeks.

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