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ISRAEL and Palestine protesters have clashed in London as thousands of pro-Palestine supporters descended on the Israeli embassy.

Cops have arrested three people after desperately trying to keep the peace during the furious demonstration.

People take part in a ‘Stand with Palestine’ demonstration, close to the Embassy of Israel, in west London6

People take part in a ‘Stand with Palestine’ demonstration, close to the Embassy of Israel, in west LondonCredit: AFP
Mourners attend a ‘Vigil for Israel’ opposite the entrance to Downing Street6

Mourners attend a ‘Vigil for Israel’ opposite the entrance to Downing StreetCredit: AFP
Chaos erupted at a Tube station in West London following the protests and cops arrested three people


Chaos erupted at a Tube station in West London following the protests and cops arrested three peopleCredit: Getty

Chaos erupted at High Street Kensington Tube station in West London as people threw fireworks, some directly at the embassy.

Pro-Palestine supporters scaled bins and lampposts with flags and flares, banging drums and chanting “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

Those supporting Palestine at the demonstration told MailOnline there is “no way to change the Middle East peacefully”.

Meanwhile mourners visited Downing Street to hold a vigil for Israelis who have been killed or taken by Hamas terrorists in the conflict.

Protesters scaled a building and scrawled “free Palestine” on the side of its wall with spray paint.

Activist group the Socialist Worker turned up with several stalls, selling its newspapers and calling for people to sign a petition to end the “arming [of] Israel apartheid”.

A police officer said: “We just hope that the two groups don’t meet and pro-Israeli activists arrive here too – then it will be chaos.”

But some Israeli’s did come to the area, and as tensions heated up police were forced to step in.

Cops had to herd members of each group onto different tube platforms to force them apart.

The furious mood became difficult to contain especially when one Israeli group held up an Israeli flag against the window as their tube pulled out of the station.

Brit Patricia Ryan, who was at the rally with her Palestinian husband, told MailOnline: “We feel that there had to be a huge tectonic movement for any change to occur in the Middle East.

“75 years is a long time. Nothing, nothing was happening.

“It’s sad to say there’s no way to do it peacefully. Every avenue has been tried and failed.

“Boiling point for Palestinians has been there for a long time. Now of course very quickly the Israelis are feeling that pressure, that terrible sense of danger that the Palestinians deal with day in day out.”

Another pro-Palestine supporter said that “Israel has done terrible things before” and the “whole world has been silent for so long”.

He added: “I’m not justifying any action that ends human life. Everyone wants peace and harmony. But one side has land, power and everything and one side has nothing.

“They have a right to have land, freedom and a livelihood. We don’t encourage violence. We want peace and co-existence.

“Israel has the support of largest economy in world most powerful economy – western society. They have no voice.”

Suella Braverman previously urged police to step in and prevent anti-Jewish violence as the Israeli embassy was boarded up on Monday.

The Met ramped up patrols in Jewish areas of London after videos circulating online appeared to show people celebrating the attacks by Hamas.

Pupils at some Jewish schools have also been warned not to wear their blazers carrying the school logo.

A Met spokesperson said it had “increased policing patrols across parts of London in order to provide a visible presence and reassurance to our communities”.

Rishi Sunak also visited a London synagogue to show his support for Israel and condemned Hamas in a strong statement this evening.

The British prime minister said the “barbaric acts” committed by Hamas were “evil”.

“There is no other word to describe what we have have seen,” he said.

“Teenagers at a festival of peace gunned down in cold blood. Innocent men, women and children abducted, raped, slaughtered.

“Even a Holocaust survivor taken away as a captive. And much of the sickening evidence posted online.

“There are not two sides to these events. There is no question of balance. I stand with Israel.

“We stand with Israel, the United Kingdom stands with Israel against this terrorism today, tomorrow and always.”

At the mosque he said: “I wanted to come here tonight to stand with you in solidarity in Israel’s hour of need.

“As the Prime Minister of this country, I’m unequivocal. The people who support Hamas are fully responsible for this appalling attack.

“They are not militants. They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists.”

Over 1,500 people in Israel and Gaza have been killed since the Palestinian terrorist group stormed the border on Saturday and massacred hundreds in a surprise attack.

Hamas terrorists launched an all-out attack on Israel from land, air and sea with 5,000 rockets fired during the early hours of Saturday morning.

Israel hit back with relentless airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, as the state plans to unleash an extensive ground invasion in the coming days.

And footage has recently emerged of Hamas savages beheading captive Israeli soldiers in horrific acts dubbed “worse than ISIS” by Israel.

So far, at least 900 people have been killed in Israel while more than 600 are confirmed dead in Gaza – with the death toll set to soar on both sides.

Those supporting Palestine at the demonstration said there is 'no way to change the Middle East peacefully'


Those supporting Palestine at the demonstration said there is ‘no way to change the Middle East peacefully’Credit: PA
People came out across London to demonstrate for both causes on Monday evening


People came out across London to demonstrate for both causes on Monday eveningCredit: AFP
Thousands also went out to mourn those who have died or been taken in Israel


Thousands also went out to mourn those who have died or been taken in IsraelCredit: The Mega Agency

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