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IMF Conditions vs. Pakistan’s Economic Future

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Entrepreneurialism is not a Utopian dreamland; it is a war of special skills focused on solving impossible problems, applying real value creation models, exploring and validating commercialization, and optimizing human talents to make such ideas standardize, monetize, and globalize. No university can teach this, as we are all already gifted with this talent worldwide. Discover your own entrepreneurial powers.

Why is entrepreneurial mysticism not occupied in search of abstract blanket solutions like poverty eradication or humankind living on full stomachs? Instead, it focuses on pragmatic and immediately implementable solutions like creating a slice-bread factory and becoming a global giant. No further proof is required if over a million entrepreneurs have already created over a million original small and medium businesses, and each has grown into creating over a million jobs. Why the lingering fear of identifying at least one Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, whoever built one such creation?

At the same time, entrepreneurialism will never dream of living in a super deluxe home but rather first search for nails, a hammer, and a piece of lumber. Entrepreneurialism is a call to march straight ahead, like a soldier engaged in a tactical do-or-die battle of skills on productivity, performance, and profitability, but staying far away from dreaming of victory and retiring in the castle with bling-bling parties. Far too many other occupations can achieve such results, but this peculiar behavior differs from the prime spirits of entrepreneurial mysticism. It is always based on finding powerful, particular, superior quality, and proprietary solutions, marketable as highly efficient value offerings at a profitable, sustainable, and reputable answer to the existing problems. A study of the last 1000 life-altering, game-changer entrepreneurs is essential.

Prophets and Saints have repeatedly died while dreaming of eliminating global poverty and hunger while searching for good health. Perhaps the United Nations, in pursuit of the grand vision global goals, saw an assembly of such incredible human potential to create the lineup of the world’s most impossible dreams and bundled them as if some sudden Rapture would finally wide open a few heavenly doors.

The cruelties of the globalization of such large-scale ideas and the difficulties of creating entrepreneurial journeys are neither found in academic nor bureaucratic mindsets. Openly visible like a book, all entrepreneurial adventures from steam to railways or bare wires to light-up continents or Kitty Hawk to global airlines are based on unique entrepreneurial mysticism.

After all, the noble cause of the global goals of the United Nations with endless international road shows, million meetings, and millions of narratives today stands still at a bridge too far. It was nobody’s fault; perhaps entrepreneurialism was eliminated from the equation for some reason. Nevertheless, how does entrepreneurialism work today?

Entrepreneurialism can immediately help global goals, not as another academic study but as a direct, bold, and open entrepreneurial response. The challenge is to select the priorities of each global goal and transform them from great visionary ideas into demonstratable working models. Graduate them quickly into value-creating workable models and move them to globally marketable, fiscally sustainable, interactive, digitally savvy, and functioning live for platform economies.  All this must be globally acceptable as commonsense narratives and explainable logical models.

Now, this is not a call for academia or bureaucracies in formal black robes; this immediately demands an urgent addition of global-age entrepreneurialism to blend the scientific ideas and existing global goals energies to achieve balanced mindset combinations of current job seeker mindsets with entrepreneurial job creator mindsets to create high speed fertile and pragmatic battlefields. 

Vision is not about seeing something big, wide, and far afar, but instead seeing something minimal, narrow but far more clearly and sharply focused. Entrepreneurialism is not about searching for an eagle flying somewhere in the sky but catching a bird in hand. They drive by creating maximum impact with minimal resources, deploy immediately applicable pragmatism, and achieve earth-shattering results.

Steve Jobs never dreamed of creating an HQ with circularity to hold a trillion-dollar company; he only wanted to create an iPhone and fight every conceivable force of telephony of the day against him, to make a real highly functional super phone, with lightning speed to immediately solve the global communication handicaps and change mobility for the world. So this is what he did, and that changed the world.

Henceforth, vision in entrepreneurialism is a borderline illusion, which risks becoming a hallucination when priorities and skills are oddly blended. Focus is where all the tactical battles are won. Open-ended superhuman goals are great ideas; they make an excellent copy and graphics from the logo-slogan agencies, but never the tactical battlefield formation execution plans with the cry for the battle.

To apply architectural or mathematical wisdom, big global goals can only be achieved with precise advancement and correct sequences. More entrepreneurialism must be immediately added to advance the impossible big globalalities of the goals. With articulated design and real value creation with refined practicality, super speed of execution, and a proven approach to commercialization, monetization, and globalization, things will be done much faster.

A prerequisite is a deep study of the National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism and how to create oceans of new small and medium enterprises. Once superior quality and global expansion are established, such ideas flourish under the global goal of protecting the future.


How can countries come to the Global SDG Summit with clear benchmarks to tackle grand schemes without experiences of global scale deployment and mobilization of real value creation models and systematic monetization and commercialization with value offering models?

What are the best scenarios to compile and create national mobilization of entrepreneurialism to uplift the critical points leading to entrepreneurial narratives and, with the right teams, once balanced, creating authoritative, collaborative, and constructive dialogues that are good for the nation, solid for the citizenry, and common sense for financial markets? 

In the next 1,000 days, the new world will not be dystopian but a battlefield landscape fighting mental wars of sorts in search of the first industrial revolution of the mind.

Let the new world come together and mobilize new wisdom of mindset hypothesis; how will future organizations and global bodies differentiate and balance entrepreneurial job creator mindsets with educated and trained job seeker mindsets? Job seekers build the enterprises, and Job creators originate such new enterprises. Balancing both mindsets is a real victory.

Superpowers are fighting for global posture, and micro-power nations are struggling to survive; this is now a climax point. This is where national mobilization of entrepreneurialism appears, a logical solution for the country so it can enter the gate to join the races into the successive league or remain at a standstill outside.

Population-rich nations are on a fast track and opening, leaving knowledge-rich countries behind. The war of competence will become as open as the track and field games of the Olympics. Where countries will have their best team stand up to the global age of competition and shine on global stage.

What will newly formatted Global Goals look like when combined with balanced mindsets and meaningful national economic uplifts? However, once mandated, any nation-by-nation deployments of the national citizenry, with speedy mobilization of national entrepreneurialism, will create a common mindshare. Immediate Digitization of SMEs with classification and categorization will create global export trajectories. After all, such maximum optimization of SME talents guided by entrepreneurial job creator mindsets is an intuitive and logical approach to achieving big global goals.

Imagine if 10K to 100K high-potential SMEs within a region or a country were placed on up-skilling and re-skilling platforms with intentions to quadruple their exportability. If such deployments achieved 10% to 50% results, they would make the nation’s most prominent economic contributions.

Understanding the narrative of Expothon Worldwide: Expothon has been sharing information weekly with some 2000 senior officials at the Cabinet level in around 100 countries for the last 50 to 100 weeks. Mastery of new entrepreneurial economic thinking is a new revolution in SME Mobilization. We are constantly adding new talents. A global high-level virtual event series will further advance the agenda; in planning are debates to clarify and table turnkey mobilization options in the coming months. Study more on Google.

Conclusion: Smoothly polished and well-balanced academic studies often neither find any rescue plans nor assemblies of nations discover some workable solutions, but instead, bold open dialogues to bring entrepreneurialism as the second wheel of the same cart struggling on a long journey may find answers for both. Deep study via Google is a prerequisite. The rest is easy.

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