Fri. Jul 5th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Thousands of Voice to Parliament supporters have gathered in Adelaide in one of the Yes campaign’s biggest South Australian events ahead of the referendum.

The Yes campaign said the turnout demonstrated there was “overwhelming” backing for the Voice in South Australia, a state supporters have described as pivotal to its hopes of referendum success.

Supporters gathered in Victoria Square before marching through central Adelaide, with musician Paul Kelly also performing for the crowd.

Similar rallies are being held across the country this weekend, with most taking place on Sunday.

of the Voice.
The ‘Walk for Yes’ campaign rally in Adelaide came four weeks before the Voice referendum.(ABC News: Viki Ntafillis)

The Adelaide ‘Walk for Yes’ rally follows a series of opinion polls indicating a sharp dive in support for the Voice in South Australia, a similar trend to that reported in other states.

Several recent polls in the state have indicated that a majority of South Australians now oppose the Voice.

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